Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 12-3-21
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   Tampa Residents React To Ahmaud Arbery Verdict
 By MONIQUE STAMPS Sentinel Feature Writer
On November 24, 2021, the world stopped to hear one of the most important verdicts in recent years. The Ahmaud Arbery case was marred by accusations of racism. From the initial re- fusal to arrest the three per- petrators to defense attorneys trying to block black pastors from sitting with the family, racism’s ugly footprint was present. Addi- tionally, some worried that the overwhelmingly white jury would side with the white men accused.
The guilty verdicts were hailed as a win for justice in America.
Nationally, President Joe Biden said “Ah- maud Arbery’s killing – witnessed by the world on video – is a devastating re- minder of how far we have to go in the fight for racial jus- tice in this country. Mr. Ar- bery should be here today, celebrating the holidays with
his mother, Wanda Cooper Jones, and his father, Mar- cus Arbery. Nothing can bring Mr. Arbery back to his family and to his commu- nity, but the verdict ensures that those who committed this horrible crime will be punished.”
“The actions and events perpetrated by Greg and Travis McMichael and William Bryan leading up to Ahmaud's death reflect a growing and deepening rift in America that will be its un- doing if not addressed on a systemic level”, the National president of the NAACP, Derrick Johnson stated.
We asked Tampa Bay res- idents for their reactions to the verdict.
“The verdict finding the murderers of Ahmaud Ar- bery guilty brought closure to many who felt that Ah- maud’s death was a sense- less, avoidable tragedy.
Our demonstrations and tough conversations about unconscionable injustices prove what we can accom- plish when we all work to- gether.
“Every American, regard- less of race, deserves the freedom to be healthy, pros- perous, and safe. It is up to all of us to raise our voices and fight for that freedom.”
“The verdict reached by 11 whites and 1 Black in the Ah- maud Arbery trial was the right verdict for the three white men on trial.
“The prosecutor pre- sented a well-documented case with her opening re- marks which was proof they were guilty.
“I’m glad defendant
William “Roddie” Bryan
videoed what happened in the neighborhood. Other- wise, it would have been an- other Black man found dead and nobody knows nothing.
“The jury spoke loud and clear....Guilty.”
“I am pleased to see jus- tice served in Mr. Arbery’s case. Justice that would have been denied, if it were not for the release of video evidence and public outcry. I com- mend DA Linda
Dunikoski on a brilliant strategy and execution in prosecuting his murderers.
“However, I am still inter- ested in the totality of justice being served as they seek to hold the former DA Jackie Johnson accountable for al- legedly violating her oath of office and acting with favor while obstructing justice to shield the McMichaels and Mr. Bryan from charges. As a former prosecutor, I under- stand the importance of prosecuting all offenders with impartiality to uphold justice and secure public trust.”
“As a person that works in youth services and a father of a young son, I was surprised, then relieved. First, I was surprised because I heard the initial rumblings of individu- als who initially refused to charge the perpetrators.
“Secondly, I was relieved that the system worked the way that it was supposed to, due largely to Arbery’s mother, Wanda Cooper- Jones. They essentially cor- nered Arbery.
“I will continue to teach my son to not fear jogging in the street or to be afraid. I will continue to pray over him. At the same time I will teach him that not everyone is well-meaning.”
YOLANDA AMOS “My reaction to the verdict was ‘Thank God for videos.’ Unfortunately, there is a huge disparity in what black and brown folks see as fair- ness in jury selection, and what the system does. To see the jury made up of only one Black person in a race-re-
lated case is unnerving.
“The guilty verdict showed once again what Black folks
see every day.
“I am still concerned about
the sentencing portion of the trial that is still coming up. Many times, the sentence does not align to the crime.”
“What's important to note about the Ahmaud Arbery verdict is that it wouldn't have happened without the significant push from the Black Lives Matter Move- ment and massive commu- nity support. Officials in Georgia were willing to over- look this murder, which took place on video. If we want change, we must remain con- sistent and courageous enough to push for what we need and want. ”

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