Page 37 - Florida Sentinel 6-5-20
P. 37

Man Wanted In Connection With Shoe Store Set Afire
  Teenager Charged
  With Arson In Fire
At High School
  Last month, the City of Tampa Fire Rescue re- sponded to a fire at Blake High School, 1701 N. Boule- vard. The fire destroyed a maintenance shed that re- portedly housed the school’s athletic equipment.
As a result of the investi- gation, police have arrested a juvenile in connection with the fire. His name is not being released because he is a juve- nile.
According to a press re- lease, the young man con- fessed to setting the shed afire. He was charged with two counts of second-degree arson, and one count of bur- glary.
On May 16th, firefighters arrived at the scene around 8:45 p.m. The caller reported observing flames coming from a structure on the east side of the school.
When firemen arrived, they discovered a building that housed athletic equip- ment fully engulfed in flames. The fire was extinguished by 9:20 p.m. However, the 10 x 20 foot building was com- pletely destroyed.
Firemen responded to Blake High School to battle the fire. (Photo courtesy of Tampa Fire Rescue).
A spokesman for the Tampa Fire Department said there was no danger to the main building because the shed was near the football field and away from the main area of the school. However, crews laid more than 500 feet of line to reach the shed.
A spokesperson for the Hillsborough County School District estimated the damage between $10,000 and $15,000.
The cause of the fire re- mains under investigation by the Fire Marshal’s Office. The investigation is continuing.
Unidentified man at Champs
The Tampa Police De- partment is currently search- ing for an unidentified man in connection with a fire Sun- day night.
The fire took place at the Champs Shoe Store, 2381 E. Fowler Avenue.
The shoe store is one of several businesses broken
 into, looted, and in some cases set afire by protesters.
Other businesses set afire included the Island Citgo, 3003 E. Busch Blvd.; Saigon Bay, 2373 E. Fowler Avenue, Dollar General, 2362 E. Fowler Avenue, and Malani
Jewelers, 2367 E. Fowler Av- enue.
Anyone with information on the suspect is asked to contact Crime Stoppers of Tampa Bay at 1-800-873- TIPS, or online at
Massive Grocery Giveaway
True Prosperity Out- reach will have its monthly Massive Grocery Giveaway on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, at 5:30 p. m. Every- thing is free to all. There will be pounds of fresh pro- duce, frozen meat, dry goods, bread, bakery items, and clothing.
True Prosperity Evan- gelist Outreach is located at 8751 N. 40th Street, Tampa 33604.
Apostle Cornelius and Pastor Devlyn Hamilton can be reached at (813) 380-0258.

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