Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 9-20-19
P. 4

Feature       Letter To The Editor
  Mayor, Tampa Police Chief, Promote 42 Officers
 Supporting Small Businesses That Support Youth Development
 LAKELAND – Small businesses are a direct link to enhancing the pro- ductivity and potential of local communities. Big ideas come from small businesses and so do op- portunities. It is impera- tive for each citizen to support the surrounding local businesses and for those businesses to sup- port the development of the youth in the commu- nity.
Internships during the summer months give youth in our community a peak into opportunities that can help their career goals and aspirations. There are 1,633,574 small businesses in the state of Florida, that are effec- tively enhancing the local cities’ economy, while purposefully educating and training our youth for the jobs of tomorrow.
Small businesses that implement internship
programs for the inner city youth will improve the chances of our young people gaining work- force experience, devel- oping their leadership skills, mastering their ca- reer objectives, and learning first-hand about diversity within the work- force.
In addition, providing youth internships during the summer months will decrease negative behav- ior, crime and other downward spiraling be- haviors that could occur.
Supporting small busi- ness internships can keep the minds and hands of our youth very busy. I strongly support small businesses that provide youth internships and I hope you will to.
Let’s start now, preparing internships for summer 2020.
  The newly promoted officers are shown with Mayor Jane Castor, far right, and Tampa Police Chief Brian Dugan. (Photo is courtesy of the Tampa Police Department).
 BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
On Monday, Mayor Jane Castor and Tampa Police Chief Brian Dugan announced that 42 officers had been promoted.
Among those being pro- moted is Lieutenant Travis Maus, who is cur- rently on active duty sta- tioned in Iraq. He is a member of the U. S. Army.
His wife, Mrs. Jessica Maus, and their children were on hand to accept his bars and badge. Lt. Maus participated in the ceremony by a video call.
Late last month, Chief Dugan made a surprise call to Lieutenant Maus in Iraq when it was decided that he
was to be promoted.
Others rising to the next
phase with the department include: Deputy Chief Ruben Delgado and Major Carlos Rodriguez.
The new Captains are:
Patrick Crate, David Fer- nandez, and Anna Richardson Griffin.
Seven Sergeants were ele- vated to the rank of Lieu- tenant. They are: Alexander Thiel, Martha Murillo, Matthew Kamat, Benjamin Brown, Ronald Paulk, Travis Maus, and Kim- berly Jones.
Robin Polk, Jefferey Bartlett, Shannon Mur- phy, Anthony Portman, Desiree Croteau, Marcus Bailey, Kanyon Ro-
driguez, Reginald James, Kenneth Petrillo, and Shane Gadoury were pro- moted to the rank of Ser- geant.
The officers elevated to the rank of Detective or Cor- poral are: Katie Thanasas, Bethany Hinson, Dim- itrios Angelakopoulos, Jason DeRocco, Ryan Flannigan, Nicholas Re- betti, Jeremy Bacon, Charles Feldman, Jer- gens Pierre, Bobbie Don- nelly, and Jacob Wieland.
Wendy Glaros, Ter- relle Jackson, Derek Lang, John Nelson, Ali- cia Brooks, Derrick War- ren, Erica Collum, Timothy D. McGinnis, Andrew Washington, and Kelly Stead.

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