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    The Truth Shall Set Them Free Part 1
   ver the last several weeks there have been some pretty amazing things
occurring in an effort to re-in- vent American culture. There was the removal of confederate monuments from across the south, the deep-sixing of the movie Gone With The Wind, the simultaneous firings of Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben and Mrs. Buttersworth from their day jobs and, in a move I still can't believe actually happened, the banning of the Confederate Flag from all NASCAR events.
In the wake of the protests that followed the murders of Brianna Taylor, Ahumad Arbery and George Floyd, it seems as though America has fi- nally woke up to the fact that all of the vestiges that promoted white supremacy, or Black infe- riority, no longer have a place in a society that considers itself modern and civilized. But, even as things appear to be pointing in the right direction, the only way true change can come about is by addressing the root prob- lem that established the ideal of supreme whiteness in the first place.
What they call "systemic racism" didn't start within the parameters of policing, banking, housing or criminal justice. It merely infected the branches of a tree that sprang from a seed, which was cultivated in the soil of the American educational sys- tem.
The ideas that people are taught as children germinate within them until they are
adults. At that point the lessons they learn become hardwired into their subconscious and, ul- timately, form their biases once they become members of law en- forcement, loan officers, prop- erty owners, judges, prosecutors, etc...
The only way to stop this self- regenerating cycle of white su- premacy is by disrupting the mis-educating process of young minds by revealing the truth about Science, History and Reli- gion... The three pillars of knowledge that have been ma- nipulated and exploited for cen- turies to the detriment of non-white people.
Since some of the first things a child notices once he or she leaves home are the multitude of different skin complexions on the people who they encounter, it only makes sense that his or her very first school lesson should involve instruction on the chemical known as Melanin; a substance that exists within every living creature on Earth and is directly responsible for the varying hues of color in hu- mans.
The reason this is necessary is due to the fact that, for gener- ations, people have been led to believe that pale skin makes an individual inherently superior genetically and that the presence of dark-skin has the exact oppo- site effect.
In reality, though, the pres- ence of Melanin has been proven to carry a number of benefits for those whose bodies contain large concentrations of the chemical.
One of which includes the ability to fend off aging due to Melanin's anti-oxidant proper- ties which allows skin to stay young and wrinkle free.
Melanin is also a key compo- nent of the human brain. It is largely responsible for sensory, motor, emotional and motiva- tional input and output. With this being the case the presence of large quantities of melanin makes a person more responsive to brain activity because of the way Melanin refines the nervous system, allowing for messages to move more rapidly.
All of this, of course, trans- lates to those heavily coated in Melanin being more athletic physically and more adept at ex- pressing themselves mentally than those whose bodies contain less of the chemical. The fact that Melanin plays such an inte- gral part in our lives and bodily functions has been known by mainstream scientists for years. But, due to the dominant soci- ety's insistence on promoting the theory of white supremacy, Melanin's extraordinary signifi- cance has been downplayed.
If this knowledge was freely made available to every child, white or black, from a young age, it's not hard to imagine how much different race relations would be in this country. The white child would grow up with a better understanding and respect for his darker-skinned classmates while the Black child would be- come more inspired to reach his or her full potential.
Both would excel in the absence of a hate-filled environment.
To be continued in part 2.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bulletin Publishing Company. You can contact Mr. Barr at:
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  C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
     The GOP Rally And Convention: A Story Too Difficult To Believe
 y the time you read this Editorial, the GOP Tulsa Rally will have gone down in history as another stain on the blood-stained city that continues not
to be able to outlive its racist past. But for those of us in Florida and around the world, another anomaly looms. History will call it the GOP Presidential Convention, to take place in Jacksonville, Florida. But what causes this event to be so horrendous is not the convention it- self, but the situations that surround it for Florida res- idents.
We are informed that rally and convention attendees will be asked to sign a release that prevents the Trump campaign from being sued if conventioneers come down with Coronavirus. At this point, we pause to ask our readers when in history have you ever heard of people signing away their lives in order to attend a rally or convention?
Moreover, who in their right minds would agree to at- tend an event where their lives or lives of their loved ones would be at risk? Indeed, the insanity boggles our minds.
We hope no one from the Tampa Bay Area will go to the GOP Convention in Jacksonville.
Certainly, COVID-19 illnesses and deaths may begin to spike among the attendees and persons with whom they have come in contact eight to ten days after the Rally. As if they have not heard medical experts’ rec- ommendations, thousands at the Tulsa Rally will get sick and die of COVID-19.
Therefore, to hold rallies and conventions without a cure or vaccine for the Coronavirus is the epitome of stupidity, ignorance, arrogance, and irresponsibility.
The fact that the City of Jacksonville is slated to host the GOP Convention means that the entire State of Florida is being placed at risk. Indeed, no one from the Tampa Bay Area should go to the GOP Convention in Jacksonville. But we know better.
So, we simply advise you who go to the events to get your affairs in order, leave a will, wash your hands, wear your masks, adhere to the social distancing, apol- ogize to the doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers, and PRAY , but do not sign anything.
Let the Pied Piper of Hamlin march by him.

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