Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 11-22-19
P. 11

This week’s Spotlight feature, Sariah, is a woman of true means and desire, and hopes to become a house- hold name in the near future. Sariah is energetic and knows her future is just around the corner. Her expec- tations are nothing but success, and she is confident of herself and guarantees she is dependable and avail- able. Congratulations to Sariah as this week’s Spotlight feature.
  Board Re-Elects Hillsborough County Commission Chair
 Members of the Hillsbor- ough County Board of Com- missioners recently re-elected Lesley Miller, Jr., to serve as Chairman of the board for the upcoming year.
Commissioner Kim- berly Overman was chosen as Vice Chairman during the board’s annual organiza- tional meeting.
Commissioner Stacy R. White will serve as Chap- lain.
Chairman Miller rep- resents District 3 and was elected in 2010. He previ-
ously served as a member of the Florida Senate from 2000-2006, and a member
of the Florida House of Rep- resentatives from 1992- 2000.
Miller also previously served as Associate Vice President and Dean for Stu- dents for the University of South Florida, and as the manager of Minority Busi- ness Development and Gov- ernmental Relations for Tampa General Hospital. He also served in the U. S. Air Force.
Commissioners also serve on various boards, commit- tees, and councils on which they hold seats.
    Ministry To Host 33rd Annual Thanksgiving Event
 BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
On Sunday, November 24th, Pastor Moses Brown will host his annual pre-Thanksgiv- ing Dinner. This year, the event will be held at the An- nette Brown Legacy Building, 705 S. Maryland Avenue, in Plant City. It will take place from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m., and those invited are in the Plant City and surrounding areas.
Pastor Brown, who is the founder of Feed Our Children Ministries, Inc., said they are prepared to feed 1,500 people. He said people from all walks of life have attended in the past.
“I believe in diversity; all
PASTOR MOSES BROWN Founder of Feed Our Children Ministries, Inc.
are welcome and everyone un- derstands the language of love. “Those in attendance will enjoy the traditional Thanks- giving Dinner. But there will also be soul food and Spanish
food. Our cook is Ms. Michelle Coote. Families who are in need will also re- ceive a turkey. If anyone wants to bring a turkey to be donated, feel free to do so,” he said.
This year, the event will be held at the building named in honor of his adopted mother. Mrs. Brown and her hus- band, Leroy, served as foster parents and adopted several of those they cared for.
In addition to the meal, the event will provide gifts, enter- tainment and other activities.
Pastor Brown said he had the opportunity to ask his adopted mother what could he do to repay her for all she did for him. Her answer was to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
As in the past, Pastor Brown will be assisted by vol- unteers from all walks of life to help make the event a success.
        Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule
Pick Up Your Sentinel On Sunday And Tuesday
The Sentinel will be pub- lished next week on Sun- day, November 24th and Tuesday, November 26th.
The Office Will Be Closed Thanksgiving Day and Friday.
Tampa International Airport
Sealed proposals for Janitorial Services at Tampa International Airport will be received from firms by the Authority at Tampa In- ternational Airport Offices located at 4160 George J. Bean Park- way, Suite 2400, Administration Building, Tampa, Florida 33607.
Solicitation documents and detailed requirements will be avail- able on the Tampa International Airport website at www.tam- > Learn about TPA > Airport Business > Procurement > Current Solicitation Opportunities on November 20, 2019.

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