Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 11-22-19
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  COACH Foundation, Inc., Others To Give Thanks And Celebrate With Family And Friends
  The Reverend Willie G. Dixon, Founder and CEO of Committee Organiz- ing Assistance and Commu- nity Help Foundation, Inc. (COACH Foundation, Inc.), an organization that was es- tablished on October 5, 1981, to assist inmates and their families before, during and after their incarceration, is preparing to give thanks in partnership to other organi- zations.
A Post-Thanksgiving Cel- ebration free family commu- nity event, with free food, music and words of thanks- giving in partnership with Pastor Douglas Walker of Tyer Temple United Methodist Church is sched- uled for November 29, 2019, from 2:30 P. M. to 4:30 P. M., at 3206 N. Sanchez St.
(Please see the ad for ad- ditional information).
Reverend Dixon is a graduate of Tennessee State A & I University with a B. S. degree in Music Education. Butattheageof88,he boldly proclaims that he has a Ph.D. in life, drugs, prison, prison ministry, the judicial and penal systems. He proudly proclaims that he has been drug and crime-free for over 40 years.
Personally, Rev. Dixon says he has so much to be thankful for.
With the help of God and his Kappa Alpha Psi brother, friend and mentor, Rev- erend Abe Brown, he was able to obtain employment with Pasco-Hernando Com- munity College to teach an employability skill to the in-
COACH Foundation, Inc.
mates in Zephyrhills Correc- tional Institution, within 30 days of his release from the same prison.
Reverend Brown told him, “Brother Dixon, peo- ple rather see a sermon than hear a sermon, so I want you
to travel with the Prison Cru- sade Ministry and give your testimony. You will give hope to the hopeless!”
Reverend Brown also encouraged Rev. Dixon to create the Prison Crusade Housing Program, now known as the COACH Foun- dation Housing Program and work in partnership with the City of Tampa Housing De- partment. That partnership placed over 200 families in new or rehab homes, which created over 2,000 construc- tion jobs and stimulated the local economy over $24 mil- lion.
Therefore, to give thanks unto God for his success and keep the spirit and memory of Reverend Brown alive several events are planned for the Thanksgiving holi- days: in partnership with Do- natello Restaurant, we have invited over 1,700 inner city youths and families to enjoy the food, music and fellow- ship at a 5-Star Restaurant.
To conclude the reasons to giving thanks, COACH Faith Based Ministry and the
Rivers of Life Church Prison Ministry, under the leader- ship of Pastor Curtis Swafford and Reverend Rodney Eric Watkins, the team will travel to conduct a service at the Lowell Women Reception Center, from 9 A. M. until 10:45 A. M., travel to the Marion County Juvenile Center to minister to the youth, and conclude with a service for the sisters at the Lowell Women’s Main Unit in Ocala, FL.
Rev. Dixon said, “As we celebrate this Thanksgiving we are asking God to use to His glory and for the people of faith to keep us in your prayers! As Reverend Brown would say, and co- authored by my former stu- dent Fred Hearns, “It’s Your Move!”
“And Give Thanks in all things and we celebrate this Thanksgiving weekend!”
For additional informa- tion, contact Rev. Dixon at: (813) 966-5844,, or wdixon
           Masjid An Nasr To Host Turkey Giveaway
 In Sulphur Springs
     RICHARD MUHAMMAD ...Chairperson
Masjid An Nasr is a com- munity masjid located in Sul- phur Springs with a mission to be inclusive and sensitive to the community.
The Sulphur Springs com- munity has a lot of grandpar- ents raising children on fixed incomes. “We would like to provide some relief to those grandparents by providing free turkeys on November 23, 2019, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 11 a. m.,” stated Richard Muhammad, Chairperson of this project.
JARVIS EL-AMIN ...Co-Chairperson
“We also will be providing ed- ucation about preventive healthcare with our partners Simply Healthcare and De- voted HealthPlan.”
“Our goal in Sulphur Springs is to let the commu- nity know we are part of the community and want to make a positive impact in the neighborhood,” said Jarvis El-Amin, Co-Chairperson of the program.
Masjid An Nasr is located at 905 E. Skagway Ave., Tampa, FL 33604

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