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    Boy Babies Are Wrapped In Blue
   Straight men don't wear eye shadow. They don't use lipstick, lip gloss, blush
their cheeks or glitter their skin.
I never thought that these things needed clarifying, but, unfortunately, there are peo- ple out there who are working very hard to convince the masses that a man can do everything mentioned above including, according to R&B singer Tank, perform oral sex on other men, and still be con- sidered purely heterosexual.
I bring this up because it has recently become clear to me that what we've been wit- nessing over the last several years from the LGBTQ com- munity, what we thought was a fight for acceptance, is actu- ally an all out assault on the cultural beliefs and norms we've held on to for a millen- nia. They don't simply want to fit into society, as they often proclaim, they want the rest of the world to incorporate queerness into every aspect of life.
From the clothes we wear, to the way we greet each other, even to the way we view our- selves, everything is being transformed to make them feel more comfortable while forc- ing everyone else, who may
not subscribe to their choices, to either conform or be branded clueless, ignorant, homophobes. And now that power and influence is being used to blur the lines even fur- ther by redefining what it means to be a man.
According to GQ Maga- zine there is a so-called "new masculinity" taking shape in this country. In their Novem- ber issue, which featured hip- hop producer Pharrell Williams on the cover draped in the most feminine attire ever, the editors of the publication packed nearly every page with images of men embracing all types of female fashions from dresses and skirts to leggings and rompers. The message they wanted to send, I imagine, was that a "real" man can wear anything he wants without sacrificing his identity.
What seemed lost in the discussion, about how men should have enough security in their manhood to dress and carry themselves the way they want, was the fact that some- one who considers himself a man would never consider wearing such foolishness in the first place. And it's hard to escape the irony that even a woman transitioning to be-
come a man would avoid ap- pearing so delicate as well.
The mistake I think that's being made here involves se- mantics. Though a person born with a male member be- tween his legs is considered male, it doesn't necessarily mean that when he grows up he automatically achieves man status.
To me a person gives up that classification the moment he decides to have a same-sex intimate relationship or chooses to take on female characteristics. From that point on he's neither man nor woman, but an entirely differ- ent entity that resides some- where within the grey area between the two.
And, with that being the case, it doesn't seem to make much sense to redefine the as- pects of what it is to be mascu- line when the people who will benefit the most from the up- dated paradigm forfeited their masculinity a long time ago.
Of course, this isn't a diss to those who choose to live their lives alternatively. Even though I don't agree with how they move, I respect their de- cision to act in whatever man- ner that brings them the most happiness in this crazy life.
I would just prefer for them to offer me the same level of understanding by stay- ing within their own lane, and not run me off the road with their agenda, so that my jour- ney here on Earth can be equally satisfying.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bul- letin Publishing Company. You can contact Mr. Barr at:
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  C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
     You Won’t See Them Coming Alert
 he Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) Hate-
watch keeps us informed about the activities of hate groups in America by monitoring and exposing the group’s activities daily. One group, America-Iden- tity Movement, (AIM) is unique among the hate groups we are used to seeing – Skinheads, hoods and sheets, Nazi tattoos and signs, and the Confederate flag.
In fact, they remind us of the Star Wars’ spaceship’s ability to hide in plain sight (cloaking). There are even AIM clandestine groups (Identity-Evropa) on college campuses.
Traditionally, they are Holocaust deniers, they vilify Blacks and Jews, and promote their racist views under the cloak of Conservatism.
They make sure to dress in suits and sports jackets, don’t use racial slurs or crude language, and “frame their views in ways that appeal to mainstream conser- vatives and Trump supporters.” They passionately manage and promote their Conservative media image.
They infiltrate the Republican Party, The Young Re- publicans, groups on college campuses, and political campaigns as a way of “smuggling” White Nationalism views into mainstream politics. They boast that they are “more intelligent and visionary” than other hate groups.
They use dog whistle signs (“Make America Beauti- ful Again), and language (Ethno-pluralistic, meaning segregation), patriotic symbols and colors, and at- tempt to downplay the extreme nature of their views.
They “push for clamping down on immigration,” stress nationalism talking points that they believe will appeal to Trump supporters, and hold unannounced demonstrations.
They participated in the 2017 Charlottesville, Vir- ginia protest, an event for which they are now being sued. Allegedly, its leaders say the group is “retired.”
However they are just as dangerous as the Ku Klux Klan and Skinheads, but you will not see them coming. Be Aware! Be Vigilant! Be Prepared!
   The Winner Is...
   “The experienced mountain climber is not intimidated by a mountain -- he is inspired by it. The persistent winner is not discouraged by a problem -- he is challenged by it. Mountains are created to be conquered; adversities are designed to be defeated; problems are sent to be solved.”
William Arthur Ward
mpowered Greetings. The ballots have been cast and the votes have been counted. And the winner is YOU! That’s right.
You have been declared the indisputable, unmistak- able winner. Although there appeared to be insurmountable forces that tried to stop you and block you, they just didn’t work.
In the words of Diana Ross, “Ain’t no mountain high enough...” to keep you from winning. The climb may be difficult, but you will make it to the top because you are a winner.
“Ain’t no valley low enough...” to keep you from winning. No matter how hard the struggle, you will always rise up because you are a winner.
“Ain’t no river wide enough...” to keep you from
winning. You have the strength to crossover every barrier, every pothole and every hurdle designed to block your flow because you are a winner.
You may not be the best looking in the group, but as a winner, you always give your best. You may not have the biggest net worth, but as a winner, you have a strong self- worth. Your self-worth speaks to you on the darkest day to give you a ray of hope, reminding you that you are a champion, a leader and a winner against all odds.
Like a diamond, you are not valuable because you glitter, but because you are impossible to destroy. You are a winner!
Winners, connect with me!
To request Selphenia to speak or train at your upcoming event, call (813) 603-0088.
Facebook: Selphenia Nichols Success Coach To Women; Instagram: @Selphenia; and Twitter: @queenofsuccess1.

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