Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 8-9-19
P. 10

  Final Touches Being Made To ‘Salute To Seniors Musical’
  BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
Choir Rehearsal is Tuesday, August 13th at 6 p. m.
Six years ago the idea of saluting senior songsters was birthed by Minister Janice Nunn Nelson.
It appeared as though the seniors were getting lost in the new music that had come upon the horizon. But, Minis- ter Nunn Nelson wanted to make sure those voices that had brought ‘us so far along the way,’ would not be lost.
The “Salute to Seniors Mu- sicals” is slated for Saturday, August 17, 2019, 6 p. m. at Beulah Baptist Institutional Church, 1006 W. Cypress St., Tampa 33606, Rev. Dr. W. James Favorite, Pastor.
The musical is being pre- sented by Enhancing Your Life and Minister Janice Nunn Nelson.
However, before the pres- entation of the musical, there must be a rehearsal to prepare. A combined Senior Choir will perform for the musical. If you are 50 years old or older, you’re invited to rehearsal on
Tuesday, August 13th, 6 p. m., at Beulah.
Minister Nunn Nelson
said, “What a joy and privilege it has been to work with and learn from seniors who sing from their hearts with mean- ing and substance. We should never forget the people or the songs that helped us out, through trials and hard times.”
This year’s special guests will be Ruby Mack, Ruth Jefferson and Lester Pele- mon.
The public is invited and encouraged to attend the “Salute To Seniors Musical” on August 17th.
“I also believe we must make every effort to encourage our young people to be more aware, more knowledgeable and more respectful of our seniors,” she said.
Allen Temple AME Church Annual Lay Service Is August 11th
    The public is invited to the Grace T. Clark Annual Lay Awareness Worship Service, Sunday August 11, 2019, 4 p. m. at Allen Temple African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church. The church is located at 2101 N. Lowe Street, Tampa. Dr. Glenn B. Dames, Jr. is senior pastor of the church.
Mrs. Clark was born April 5, 1931 in Tampa, the fourth of five children of Israel and Grace Tillman. Grace Clark later served the church as a member of several organiza- tions.
Mrs. Clark became presi- dent of the church’s Lay Organ- ization; treasurer of the Roberts-Burroughs Women’s Missionary Society; a member of Usher Board No. 1 and of the Christian Social Action Com- mittee. She faithfully served Allen Temple for more than sixty years.
In 2006, Mrs. Clark at- tended the AME Bi-Centennial Lay Organization Celebrations in Johannesburg, Soweto and Cape Town in South Africa. She
said a prayer of thanks for the freedom of South African Pres- ident Nelson Mandela in his former jail cell on Robben Is- land. Bishop McKinley Young bestowed upon her the rare honor of being named a Silver Sister of the AME Church.
Mrs. Clark passed away in Tampa, July 22, 2012 -- one day after the death of her hus- band of 42 years, John Howard Clark. The couple is survived by their son, Charles F. (Fred) Hearns (father, Samuel Hearns), daughter, Pearl Elaine Roberts, six children and several grandchil- dren.

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