Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 8-9-19
P. 11
The Spotlight feature this week is Lauren. This young lady is as confident as they come, and she definitely has a bit of mystery about her that will attract cameras, maga- zines, and other professionals to want to use her likeness. Lauren says one of her best attributes is her ability to be pleasant and easy to work with. Congratulations to Lauren for being this week’s Spotlight feature.
Tea & Conversation Brings People Together In Community
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Several years ago, a gath- ering of people talking about things that interested them took place. That was the be- ginning of Ms. Candy Lowe’s Tea & Conversa- tion.
The event has taken place for more than 13 years. Ms. Lowe hosts the events every second and fourth Sat- urday of the month. And, they are held at various restaurants throughout the city.
On Saturday, August 11th, Tea & Conversation will take place in Ybor City at Al’s Finger Licking Good Soul Food, 2302 E. 7th Avenue, Tampa, 33605.
“During the first conver- sation, we just talked and the conversation went on for hours. We have local politi- cians who came while run- ning for office and who still come, now that they have
been elected.
“It draws people who
don’t live in our community to learn about our struggles and our day-to-day lives. They can talk with people and get real life stories. And, people in the community can talk to them and get to know who they are. It’s about building relation- ships.”
On Saturday, beginning at 10 a.m., until noon, three attorneys who are candi- dates for judgeships in the upcoming election will be in attendance. They are Attor- ney Helene Daniels, At- torney Greg Green, and Attorney Lyann Goudie.
Attorney Daniels said, “Tea & Conversation brings candidates and community leaders together in an open and candid forum. Invalu- able!”
Attorney Green said, “I think it is an educational experience, in a truly open forum that allows those run- ning for office and those al- ready elected to hear directly from concerned voters.”
Attorney Goudie said, “If you want to learn about many of the issues facing the Black community in Hills- borough County in order to help break the cycle of poverty, unemployment, lack of affordable housing, educational challenges, and unfairness within the court system, attending Candy Lowe’s Tea & Conversation is a must.”
Howard W. Blake Class Of 1967
The Howard W. Blake High School Class of 1967 will meet on Saturday, Au- gust 10, 2019, 11:30 a. m. The meeting will be held at the West Tampa Public Li- brary, 2312 W. Union St., Tampa 33607.
Classmates, come out and help with the planning of the Class Picnic to be held on Saturday, October 12, 2019.
For more information, contact: Gwen Andrews (813) 248-1071, or Lor- raine Wiley (813) 871- 2874.