Page 14 - Florida Sentinel 8-9-19
P. 14
Tampa Native To Be Enshrined Into The FAMU Sport Hall Of Fame
Born and raised in Tampa during the 1950s and 1960s, Anthony “Tony” Bell played baseball at more than half of the playgrounds in the City of Tampa.
After being mentored by the likes of Gilbert Arenas, Hipolito Arenas, Oscar Johnson and Billy Reed, he went on to attend Blake Senior High and played base- ball for Coach Johnson.
“Upon graduation, I at- tended Florida A & M Univer- sity on a full scholarship and majored in Business Manage- ment. After college I was em- ployed in corporate sales with The Pillsbury Company and Revlon Cosmetics.
“I was very surprised and honored to receive the call an- nouncing my enshrinement into the 2019 FAMU Sports
ANTHONY “TONY” BELL ...2019 Enshrined Into FAMU Sports Hall Of Fame
Hall of Fame,” he said.
This event will be held
during the Jake Gaither Clas- sic Weekend on Friday, Sep- tember 13, 2019, at 7 p. m., inside the Al Lawson Multi- purpose Center. The event co- incides with the football home opener. FAMU faces Fort Val- ley State on Saturday, Sept. 14th,at6p.m.
The Class of 2019 features six student-athletes – An- thony “Tony” Bell (base- ball, 1969-73), Dr. Irvin Clark (football, 1987-90), Douglas Cook (men's bas- ketball, 1982-86), Jasmine Grice (women’s basketball, 2010-14), Donald Johnson (baseball, 1967-70), and Salif Kante (men’s tennis, 2011- 13).
The list of inductees also includes two contributors - Col. Gregory Clark, former baseball player and current president of the FAMU Na- tional Alumni Association, and Ann O’Neal, a longtime Rattler Booster.
“The only regrets I have is that my mother, Ms. Patri- cia Pierce-Coleman will not be in attendance,” Bell said.
‘It’s Your Move!’ Book Signing
The Monday, Aug. 5, 2019 book signing for “It's Your Move!,” the autobiography of Rev. Abraham Robert Brown was held at the Robert W. Saunders Public Library. Shown here are Robert Blount, III, (Di- rector of Abe Brown Ministries), Kim Brown Blount (daughter of Rev. Brown), Carrie Hurst (Robert W. Saunders Public Library Adminis- trator) and Fred Hearns (editor of the book). Hearns will next discuss the book and make copies available to the public Tuesday, August 13, 2019, 6 p. m. at the C. Blythe Andrews, Jr., Public Library, 2607 E. Dr. MLK Jr. Blvd., Tampa.