Page 15 - Florida Sentinel 8-9-19
P. 15

     August Birthday Celebrants
Happy Birthday to past and present Villagers, who are cele- brating this month: A d a Lee, 8/11; Alice Singleton, 8/13; Angelita Fort-Dupree, 8/16; Danielle Phillips-Mil- ner, 8/18; Sandy Wilson, 8/22; Willie Thomas, 8/24; Kim Bell, 8/25; Dian De- bose, 8/27; and Brigitte Ray, 8/29.
Sick And Shut-Ins
We’re lifting up our fellow Villagers and friends in prayer: Mary Hobley, Marion Washington, Oliva Darby, Gwendola Small, Hilrie Kemp, Jr., Harold Williams, Robert Leek, Sr., Clennie McCray, Elouise Griffin, Thelma Singleton, Catherine Clark, Nina Small, Rudolph Tolbert, Lillian Tolbert, and Ira Dean Biggs.
Expressions Of Sympathy
We extend our prayers and condolences to our families of the Progress Village Commu- nity. We continue to lift up those that are dealing with the loss of a loved one. Another week has come and gone, and two more Villagers have gained their wings. Please embrace the families of Aritha Scott and Lucille Beck, as they celebrate their Homegoing.
“May their memories be a blessing.”
Clothes And More
Every 3rd Saturday of the month clothes and more are given FREE by First Baptist Church of Progress Village. Lo- cation, Bowers/Simmons Park
(little park), under the Pavilion, located on 86th St. between First Baptist Church Of Progress Village and St. James A. M. E. Church (Victory).
Panther Football Opening Day Saturday,
Aug 17th
Come join the fun and ex- citement as the Panthers kick off the new season of football and cheers at the Larry Sanders Sports Complex, 5855 S. 78th St.
Hurricane Preparedness
REMEMBER: • Have copies of important documents in a waterproof folder or con- tainer. • Have enough of any prescription medications you and your pet take. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a hurricane or a severe storm — being pre- pared will give you peace of mind when you need it most.
Free Annual Community Health Fair
Calvary Community Free Clinic-Tampa SATURDAY, AU- GUST31ST2p.m.--5p.m.,at 3401 East Louisiana Ave. 813.238.6000. Free Food and Prizes.
Progress Village Civic Council News
The next Community Meeting is Monday, August 19th, 2019 at 7 p. m., Emanuel P. Johnson Community Center, 5855 S. 78th St.
*********************** Call your news for Progress Village and surrounding areas to Linda Washington, (813)
    Frederick Douglass: A Portrayal * Monday, August 12, 2019 * 4:30 P.M.-5:30P.M. *Jan Kaminis Platta
Enjoy a portrayal by Donald Dowridge of the life of one of America’s greatest icons, Frederick Douglass. Douglass played a vital part in the freedom of slaves and be- came an accomplished lec- turer, author, and publisher. Mr. Dowridge brings him to life in this educational pro- gram.
Chess Club At The Library * Saturday, August 17, 2019 * 10 A.
M.-12P.M.*Riverview- James B. Johnson Community Room Learn and play the game of chess with Coach Ted Mc- Nair! Benefits of this classic and fun game include im- proved memory, concentra- tion, and problem-solving skills. All ages and skill levels
are welcome.
U. S. Citizenship Classes * Thursday, August 22, 2019 * 6:30 P. M. - 8:30
P. M. * Town 'N Coun- try - Community Room B
U. S. Citizenship classes are designed to prepare par- ticipants for the U. S. Citizen-
ship test and interview. The program consists of 40 hours of education on U. S. history and government. Basic ESL will be incorporated into the curriculum. Classes will be conducted twice a week. In- formation is cumulative and participants should plan to at- tend all class sessions. Regis- tration is required. Interested individuals should call the Hispanic Services Council at 813-936-7700 to get further information and register for the class.
This program is pre- sented in partnership with the Hispanic Services Council and funded by the American Dream Literacy Initiative. The American Dream Literacy Ini- tiative, a grant offering of the American Library Associa- tion, is made possible by the Dollar General Literacy Foun- dation.

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