Page 6 - Florida Sentinel 8-9-19
P. 6
White House
Trump Responds To Obama Over Statement On Mass Shootings
Ohio Politician Blames 'Drag Queen Advocates' And Obama For Mass Shootings
Republican Congress- woman Candice Keller has merited the ire of the Internet for a recent Facebook post in which she blames the cause of mass shootings on everything from "drag queen advocates" to former President Barack Obama. Lawmakers are de- manding her to resign.
Saturday afternoon (Aug. 3) 21-year-old Patrick Crusius walked into an El Paso Wal- mart with an assault rifle firing off several rounds, resulting in the death of 24 men and women. Hours after news of the El Paso shooting was made public, another shooting took place in Dayton, Ohio resulting in more death and tragedy. Local law enforcement shot and killed the Ohio shooter.
While calls for gun reform spread across social media again, Keller's Facebook post pointed the finger elsewhere.
"The breakdown of the traditional American family (thank you, transgender, ho- mosexual marriage, and drag queen advocates); fatherless- ness, a subject no one discusses or believes is relevant; the ig- noring of violent video games; the relaxing of laws against criminals (open borders); the acceptance of recreational mar- ijuana; failed school policies (hello, parents who defend mis-
behaving students): disrespect to law enforcement (thank you, Obama)."
Other points of blame for Keller included a lack of re- spect for the Second Amend- ment and Democrats in Congress. It didn't take long for other politicians to get wind of Keller's Facebook post and condemn her language.
"To blame these shootings on some of the very people who have been targeted is offensive to those victims as well as the nine people who were mur- dered in Dayton this morning and to their grieving friends and family members," said But- ler County Democratic Party Chairman Brian Hester while referencing the Orlando's Pulse Nightclub shooting in June 2016 and the El Paso, Texas attack.
As of now, Keller's Face- book post is still up.
Paula White, Trump’s Spiritual Adviser, To Start 3,000 Churches And Open A University
Donald Trump’s spiri- tual adviser, televangelist Paula White, is reportedly stepping down from her role as senior pastor of New Des- tiny Christian Center, an evangelical church in Apopka, Florida.
According to the HuffPost, White named her son, Brad Knight, and his wife, Rachel Joy Knight, as senior pas- tors at the center, which has been renamed City of Destiny. During a service on Sunday, she told the congregation that she will continue to serve them as “oversight pastor.”
White said her focus will now shift to the 3,000 churches she intends to launch as well as serving as a mentor to pastors, opening a university, and creating a per- forming arts center, the report states.
“The Lord spoke to me very clearly and said, ‘If you miss this moment, you will delay
things. Do not miss this mo- ment,’” White said during the service.
White, who has over 3 mil- lion Facebook users, has been in charge of the 23-year-old congregation since 2012. She’s became a close friend and spiritual adviser to Trump in the early 2000s and “personally led him to Christ.”
But her friendship with Trump has been an issue for many members of her pre- dominantly Black congrega- tion.
Bradley Knight told the Washington Post in 2017 that the church lost hundreds of people because of Trump, and donations dropped by $10,000 a week.
“Her relationship with the black community got really frayed because of President Trump,” Knight said. “She got messages from Black lead- ers, saying, ‘You betrayed us.’”
President Trump on Tuesday morning addressed former President Obama's statement about the mass shootings last weekend, tweet- ing a quote from "Fox & Friends" co-anchor Brian Kilmeade criticizing the for- mer president's response to mass shootings during his pres- idency.
Trump tweeted the quote shortly after Kilmeade ex- pressed dismay with Obama's statements regarding the mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, over the weekend that left at least 32 people dead.
“I’m just wondering did [George W. Bush] ever con- demn President Obama after Sandy Hook?" Kilmeade asked, referring to a 2012 mass shooting at a Connecticut ele- mentary school. "[Obama] had 32 mass shootings of four or more during his reign. Not many people said, 'wow Presi- dent Obama is out of control.' 17 so far for President Trump. It's way too high."
"But I have news for you. Mass shootings were happening before the president thought about even running for presi- dent of the United States," he continued.