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    One More Banana In Our Tail Pipes
   I t never ceases to amaze me how quickly people tend to forget. Just a few months
ago a majority of Blacks across the country had written rapper Kanye West off as a sellout following his infamous com- ments on TMZ, in which he stated his belief that enslaved Africans remained in bondage for over 400 years within the United States because they chose not to overcome their condition.
To most people, this insane and grossly misinformed statement was the last straw in their support for the mercurial entertainer who has made it a part of his niche to incite con- troversy.
After witnessing Kanye engage in head-scratching be- havior over the years, includ- ing his plan to appropriate the confederate flag into hip-hop culture, his public dissing of Jay-Z and Beyonce during a concert and his unwavering support for a reviled bigot like Donald Trump, his back- ward opinion on slavery was heralded as the point from which Kanye could never be welcomed back into the fold of the Black community.... But, as it turns out, that may have been a miscalculation.
When news broke that
Kanye would be releasing a new album the vitriol that once appeared so heavily aimed in the bi-polar lyricists direction, began to evaporate. In its place was a new found appreciation and praise for the man whose status as a traitor and pariah was only rivaled by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.
The crazy thing about Kanye's resurgence in popu- larity is that it had absolutely nothing to do with him apolo- gizing for his remarks (some- thing that has yet to occur), or him denouncing Trump (he still sports his MAGA hat on a regular basis). All he did was follow the blueprint that seems to work for anyone who wants to gain favor with Black folk..... He claimed to have a new found love for Jesus.
After it was revealed that Kanye's new CD would be en- titled Jesus Is King, it seemed as though a case of amnesia suddenly swept over everyone who was in agree- ment on how much they hated the dude. No longer was he the chump they couldn't stand. He was now just another misun- derstood, quirky artist who could be forgiven for tripping over his tongue.
I guess it shouldn't be too
surprising how quickly Black people changed their tune once Kanye invoked the essence of "The Christ" into his work. Claiming love for the Nazarene has been successful at softening the hearts of the melanin-enriched since the first Christian missionary set foot on African soil and con- vinced the inhabitants to re- place the Orisha they knew (Shango, Obatala, Ogun and Yemeya) with Biblical charac- ters like David, Peter, Paul and Mary, whose names were eerily similar to the ones used by the pale faces preparing to oppress them.
Unfortunately, it seems that tricking Blacks, by using their faith and spirituality against them, is as easy today as it was back then. The only difference is that, in modern times, it's not uncommon to see our own doing the dirty work.
Of course, you can't blame Kanye alone for applying a strategy that has proven to be so effective. After all, he didn't invent this wheel. But, like so many other entertainers (Tyler Perry, Steve Har- vey, Rickey Smiley, etc..), he's simply using it to his ad- vantage.
And as long as we're gullible enough to go for the scam, by judging people by their words and not their works, we will continue to be the suckers whose dollars keep the pockets of con-men like this full.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bul- letin Publishing Com- pany. You can contact Mr. Barr at: cbar-
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  C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
     ‘Lock Him Up’
 magine thirty thousand to sixty thousand fans in
one voice — screaming, “LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!” Undoubtedly, that is the stuff nightmares are made of.
Now place that nightmare in the recent stands of the World Series and it would be easy to say, when Presi- dent Donald Trump looked across a field of countless faces and saw them pointing and screaming, “Lock Him Up,” was the day when America’s 45th president officially lost his mind.
Instead, let us speculate on that day, America’s an- swer to Alice-in-Wonderland’s Mad Hatter did a com- plete disconnect from reality. Promising himself he would indeed punish his rude subjects by becoming this country’s first dictator. And the Republican Bank played on.
So, what can we Americans expect from a president who treats the House of Representatives like his little sister? We must pause, to pinch ourselves as we re- member our elders’ words, ‘What goes around comes around.’ and wonder if jeering baseball fans’ epithets reminded Trump of his hooligans’ rant, “Lock Her Up,” as he had them scream about Hillary Clinton.
Most certainly, Trump’s predicament would be comical were it not for the fact our president has no sense of humor, and his trigger finger remains on the world’s mightiest nuclear arsenal. Add to the list, Trump’s penchant for being a sociopath and it brings home a frightening truth. Perhaps, America should take seriously baseball fans’ suggestion,
“Lock Him UP” before he kidnaps our Democratic way of life.
 Daycare Where Toddler Choked To Death Being Sued
 The mother of a 19-month- old toddler has filed a lawsuit in connection with his death. The child choked to death while eating a hamburger.
Ms. Felicia Davis has
filed a wrongful death lawsuit
against Kiddie Kollege Hyde
Park, 4350 S. Manhattan Av-
enue, and two employees. The
incident took place on January 29th.
According to the lawsuit, Messiah Davis was given a hamburger. When the child began choking, a staff member patted him on the back, then passed him to another staff
employee. The second worker allegedly flipped him over her arm to pat his back and tried to get him to drink water.
The workers did not call 9-
1-1 at the time of the incident. A third worker was present, but did not provide any assis- tance, the lawsuit stated.
The child died as a result of choking. The Hillsborough County Medical Examiner’s Office listed the cause of death as lack of oxygen to the brain following resuscitation from cardiac arrest due to choking. The death was ruled acciden- tal.
According to state records, the daycare, which has been in business for 30 years, is owned by Keith and Vicki An- drews, of Tampa.

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