Page 8 - Florida Sentinel 6-18-21
P. 8
In last week’s Sentinel, it was incorrectly stated in an article about the passing of Mrs. Evora Pi- mento that “Mrs. Pi- mento was one of five children born to the union of the late Woodrow and Sarah Wynn.”
Mrs. Wynn was the mother of Mrs. Doreatha Wynn Edgecomb, Mrs. Pimento, and her twin sister, Flora Poitier. Mr. Wynn was the father of two children from a pre- vious marriage, Mrs. Hazel Bozeman and Woodrow Wynn, Jr., who
lived to reach adulthood. We apologize for any inconvenience the error
may have caused.
Retired County Social Worker Passes
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
A well-known Tampa res- ident passed away on June 5, 2021. Mrs. Angerline “Ms. Ann” Swails Jackson was 79-years-old.
For 39 years, Mrs. Jack- son was employed with the Hillsborough County Neigh- borhood Service Center in the Social Service Division. Her role to help those in need of services to learn what was available and to help them ob- tain those services.
Born in Marianna, Florida, Mrs. Jackson was the daughter of Andrew and Nellie Swails. She attended the public schools of Jackson County. She graduated from JCTS as the Valedictorian,
SWAILS JACKSON 6/30/1941 --- 6/5/2021
star basketball player, and Homecoming Queen.
Following graduation, Mrs. Jackson entered the workforce. She met and mar- ried Levi Jackson and the couple made their home in
Tampa. They were the parents of three children and adopted her younger sister, her son, Vincent Jackson said.
Mrs. Jackson was de- voted to her family and served as one of the Team Mothers for the Eagles Little League. “Whatever we needed, she would accommodate us. She was a very devoted mother,” Jackson said.
She was known as “Ms. Ann,” in her community and loved cooking, baking, singing, and dancing. “Every- one came to Ms. Ann’s to eat,” Jackson said.
Funeral services for Mrs. Jackson will be held on Sat- urday. Aiken Funeral Home is in charge of handling arrange- ments. (See Funeral Page).
Representative Dianne Hart Partners With Community Organizations For PPE Give-Away And Farm Share
On Friday, June 18, 2021 and Saturday, June 19, 2021 Representative Dianne Hart (D- Tampa) will part- ner with community organi- zations, East Tampa Business and Civic Association and Woodland Terrace Neighbor- hood Association, to hold a Personal Protective Equip- ment (PPE) Give-Away, and Farm Share Food Giveaway, 10 a. m. until 1 p. m. Both events are Drive Through only.
The Food Drive will be on Friday, June 18, 10 a. m. – 1p.m.,atNewMt.ZionM.B. Church, 2511 E. Columbus Dr., Tampa 33605.
On Saturday, June 19th, the PPE event will be held at the Gwen Miller Cen- ter, 6410 N. 32nd St., Tampa 33610.
Representative Hart said, “I am looking forward to this great event. There are people in the community that are still feeling the effects of this pandemic and could use a helping hand, and that’s what we intend to do.
“The pandemic isn’t over and there is a need for addi- tional PPE for those who may not have any, or haven’t had the opportunity to get a vac- cine.”