Page 8 - Florida Sentinel 3-13-20
P. 8

  Auto Repair Shop Fire Causes Over
 $500,000 In Damages
     The fire at 1507 E. Lake Av- enue early Tuesday caused more than $500,000 in dam- ages. (Photos courtesy of Tampa Fire Rescue).
Early Tuesday, Tampa Fire Rescue responded to a fire in East Tampa. The cause of the fire is still under inves- tigation.
According to the Tampa Fire Department, the alarm at the Auto Repair Shop, 1507 E. Lake Avenue was received at 4:21 a.m. When firefighters arrived, they reported smoke coming from a metal indus- trial building. The flames were visible as they ap- proached the building. Due to the potential presence of haz- ardous material, the incident
commander called for a sec- ond alarm. Crews had the fire under control by 5 a.m., and there were no injuries re- ported.
Investigators determined that the fire was intensified by the flammable liquids and pressurized tanks inside the structure. Explosions caused parts of the roof to be blown off.
The result of the damage caused by the fire was $121,756 in damage to the building and more than $400,000 in loss of commer- cial automotive equipment and supplies.
Tampa Man Excited About Voting For 1st Time
 BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
For many years, Derrick Best has followed politics and shared his opinion about the candidates. However, that was all he could do.
As a convicted felon, Best was prohibited from voting. In 2018, voters approved the restoration for most con- victed felons. And a court ruling blocked a move for convicted felons to have set- tled all court-ordered fines and fees.
So, on Tuesday, donning
Derrick Best is shown at the C. Blythe Andrews, Jr., Public Library, where he casts his vote.
his sunglasses, Best strutted into the library, produced his identification and voter reg- istration card and cast his ballot.
Best said, “Everybody’s vote counts. I have never voted before in my life and because of this, my whole life has changed,” the 40-year- old Sentinel employee said.
He said the past is behind him and now he looks for- ward to voting in every elec- tion. He is also encouraging other felons to get registered and vote because every vote does make a difference.
         Parks And Recreation Host Stay & Play
 For Spring Break
Spring Break for children in Hillsborough County will begin on March 13th, and end on March 21st. As a result, the City of Tampa will host its Stay & Play event to accom- modate the students and their parents.
Parents who must work that week can take advantage of a safe environment to leave their children. Selected recre- ation centers around the City of Tampa will hold extended hours.
These extended hours will provide teens with free Rec Cards, which allows access to selected recreation centers, different programs to partic- ipate in, and a variety of edu- cational events.
The locations taking part in Stay & Play this spring break that will re- main open until mid- night are: Copeland
Community Center; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Community Center; Jackson Heights Com- munity Center; and Springhill Community Center.
Since the inception of our Stay & Play Program, over 327,681 teens have visited our various centers and pools. Stay & Play aims to provide teens a place to be ac- tive, safe, and healthy. Food will be provided for free as well as transportation home when available from the Parks and Recreation Depart- ment.
The programs provided range from fitness classes, athletic training/leagues, arts, music production classes, computer classes, and many more.
For more information please call: (813) 274-5132.

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