Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 2-25-20
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Pictures From The Past
      General Hospital: Michael enjoys his morning. Monica re- ceives good news. Jason is of comfort. Nelle digs her heels in. Carly delivers a stern warning. Sam unleashes on Julian.
Jordan brings Laura up to speed. Nikolas confides in Liz,
The Bold & The Beautiful:
Hope deliberately interrupts Thomas’ close moment with Zoe. Brooke makes a deal with Ridge in regard to Thomas. Flo and Wyatt plan how to help the ter- minally ill Sally. Katie strives to save Sally’s job at Forrester Cre- ations. Sally learns Ridge will build on her designs for use in the couture line. Wyatt shares an in- timate moment with Flo prior to them making the ultimate sacri- fice.
The Young & The Rest- less: Victoria’s condition isn’t improving and Nikki worries. Nikki wonders if Victor is doing the same, and Chelsea warns
Abby. Sharon takes control. The Newmans unify for Victoria. Jill reveals a new business venture. Phyllis gets an intriguing offer.
Adam’s motives are called into question. Chelsea looks to the future.
Days Of Our Lives: Gabi uses a stunning revelation to her advantage. Maggie wrestles with unsettling memories. Ben and Ciara are separated once again as he’s escorted back to prison. Vic- tor pressures Will not to expose Maggie. Sarah and Eric are faced with a difficult decision. Maggie confronts Xander and Victor about the night of Adrienne’s death. Gabi makes a last ditch ef- fort to avoid prison. Valerie and Julie urge Eli to work things out with Lani.
Eli and Lani reunite! Maggie makes a confession to Sonny. Chad gloats to Gabi that she’s been fired from DiMera. Justin is thrown when “Steve” shows up on his doorstep.
 TAMPA PARK ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DINNER, 2015 – Cfhef James B. joyfully shared his talents with hs fellow residents.
TAMPA PARK APARTMENTS HOSTS CHRISTMAS DINNER, 2015 – Ms. Gina is all smiles as she picks up dinners for the whole family.
  Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
You will have an intense discussion with a partner or close friend today. In fact, they might come on pretty strong! Do what you can to hold your own but do not agree to any- thing important this morning.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): At work (or perhaps this is something related to your health or a pet) - dis- cussions will be intense. People are prepared to speak their mind, in- cluding you. Be aware that in the morning, there’s a Moon Alert, which is a poor time to agree to any- thing important. Forewarned is forearmed.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):
You might be full of wild, creative ideas because your mind is working overtime. Nevertheless, wait until the Moon Alert is over to agree to anything important. Meanwhile, ro- mantic discussions plus interactions with kids will be super direct. (Lighten up.).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Family discussions will be very serious today, especially if you’re talking to a parent. People are going to say what they mean and mean what they say. However, check the time of the Moon Alert (see above). Don’t agree to anything important during this window.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You are mentally wired today, which is why you can read fast, talk fast, and juggle a lot of appoint- ments. Oh yeah, you’re on the go! However, this morning is a Moon Alert, which means it’s a poor time to make decisions, shop or agree to anything important. Be aware of this.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):
Guard against important financial s decisions. Do not spend money dur- ing the Moon Alert except for food and gas. Likewise, postpone finan- cial decisions and actions until after the Moon Alert is over. Save your money!
 Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20):
The Sun and Mercury are lined up in your sign, which make you con- vincing! You will have no trouble getting your point of view across to others, which is why you should know that during the Moon Alert this morning (see above), it’s a poor time to use your verbal magic. Wait until it’s over.
Aries (March 21-April 19):
This is a fantastic day to do research because you will be dogged and per- severing about going after what you want. If there are old solutions or answers to old problems - you will find them. You won’t give up until you find what you’re looking for be- cause you’ll be like a dog with a bone.
Taurus (April 20-May 20):
You might be very involved talking to friends and groups today. How- ever, please note the Moon Alert (see above) and take it easy this morning. Whatever you say will amount to nothing during that time. Be smart.
Gemini (May 21-June 20):
Be careful. You will have a direct discussion with a parent, teacher or boss; however, this morning is a poor time to do this. If this discus- sion does take place in the morning - don’t volunteer for anything or agree to anything important. Pro- tect Yourself.
Cancer (June 21-July 22):
This morning is a poor day to agree to anything important. Neverthe- less, you might get swept up in dis- cussions about philosophy, religion, politics, publishing, the media, medicine and the law. Take it easy.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): You have strong opinions, especially about financial matters or shared property. Nevertheless, this morn- ing is a poor time to agree to any- thing important, especially financial issues. Postpone these dis- cussions until after the Moon Alert. Be smart.
 TAMPA PARK APARTMENTS SHARE CHRISTMAS DINNER WITH RESIDENTS, 2015 – Ms. Sabrina and Ms. Velma were two residents who assisted with serving the meals.
TAMPA PARK APARTMENTS CHRISTMAS DIN- NER, 2015 – Shown in this photo are Tampa Park residents, Lakesia, Wayne and Martha who stopped by the complex to enjoy the holiday festivities.
 TAMPA PARK HOSTS CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES WITH RESIDENTS, 2015 – Pauline Thompson and Emumael Davis relax in the Board Room of the complex while waiting to be served.

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