Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 2-25-20
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Shop For A Cause At Dress For Success Tampa Bay’s Excess Inventory Sale
UniverSoul Circus Returns To Tampa With Fun And Excitement
This year’s event is set up in the parking lot of Brandon Town
Center Mall.
Tampa it’s time to get ready for a once in a lifetime experience. The UniverSoul Circus is coming to town on February 25th and staying for six action packed days.
According to experts, the UniverSoul Circus comes at you like a high-speed roller- coaster. It’s a once in a life- time, thrill-a-minute spectacle of sight, sound, and soul for everyone to enjoy. In a production themed, “We All Belong,” UniverSoul Circus has created an unforgettable experience celebrating unity, inclusion, and diversity.
The circus sets up in the parking lot of Brandon Town Center Mall (459 Brandon Town Center, Brandon, FL 33511), on Tuesday, February 25, through Sunday, March 1. You can get your tickets now atwww.universoulcir-
UniverSoul delivers an ac- tion-packed interactive circus experience, bringing fans and performers closer together than ever before in an inti- mate single-ring big top.
“Our mission is to cele- brate diversity with skilled performers from around the world performing side-by- side,” said Founder and CEO Cedric Walker. “The Uni-
verSoul Circus is for every- one. Our goal is to produce the highest level of live family entertainment while breaking down cultural barriers. Sim- ply put, ‘We All Belong.’”
UniverSoul Circus is loaded with one-of-a-kind performances from around the world. Almost every act is comprised of performers from different countries. Led by Ringmaster Lucky Malatsi from South Africa, his long-time Sidekick Zeke of Atlanta, and Co-Ringmas- ter, Cheyenne-Rose Dailey from Trinidad and Tobago.
The 2020 edition of Uni- verSoul Circus features Skaters from Cuba, Daredevil Motorcyclists from Atlanta, Bakersfield, CA, Grand Junc- tion, CO and Santiago, Chile, a High Wire Act from Colom- bia and Gabon, Teeterboard Drillers from Mongolia, Solo Trapeze from Brazil, Trick Rescue Dogs presented by the
Pompeyo Family of Colom- bia, Russia, and USA, a Cos- sack Horse Act with riders from Russia, Guinea, Mexico, Gabon, Trinidad, and Kyrgyzstan, Mixed Animal Act from Santiago, Chile, Fresh the Clownsss from De- troit, and many more sur- prises.
What exactly is the Uni- verSoul Circus? It’s a highly interactive combination of circus arts, theater, and music that spans genres including Pop, Classic R&B, Latin, Hip Hop, Jazz, and Gospel.
The circus celebrates the unique and familiar aspects of pop culture globally by bring- ing them center stage with a cast of international perform- ers. UniverSoul Circus is rated as one of the top two cir- cuses in America along with Cirque du Soleil.
UniverSoul’s fresh ap- proach to family-friendly live entertainment has garnered it a coveted spot as one of Tick- etmaster’s top ten most re- quested family events, along with other shows, including Sesame Street Live, Disney on Ice, and Radio City Christ- mas Spectacular.
Want to shop for designer clothes without breaking the bank and help other women with every purchase? At Dress for Success Tampa Bay’s Ex- cess Inventory Sale, you can! The semi-annual sale takes place from Friday, Febru- ary 28, to Saturday, Feb- ruary 29, and offers high-end clothes at discount prices, with all proceeds going back to the nonprofit organi- zation.
Katie McGill, Executive Director of Dress for Success Tampa Bay, said, “The Inven- tory Sale is a fun way to shop great bargains and support our mission to serve the women of Tampa Bay!”
The Excess Inventory Sale will be held at Bayshore Bap- tist Church, 3111 W. Morrison Ave., in South Tampa. Hours are: Friday, February 28, 9 a. m. to 7 p. m., and Saturday, February 29, 9 a. m. to 3 p.m. Cash is preferred, but credit cards are accepted with $25+ purchases. All sales are final, and no children are allowed.
Dress for Success Tampa Bay encourages shoppers to go green and bring their own shopping bags. “Shopping is always fun, especially when it’s for a good cause,” said Diane Howard, President of the Dress for Success Tampa Bay Board of Direc-
tors. “This sale has great bar- gains and is one of the many ways we are able to serve women in our great commu- nity. Get there early and join in the fun!”
The Fashion Boutique at the Excess Inventory Sale of- fers $10 suits and dresses; $5 clothing, shoes, and purses; and $2 accessories. A t the Luxury Designer Bou- tique, you’ll find brand name items priced at $50 or less. Sale proceeds will allow the organization to purchase much needed plus-size busi- ness attire and larger-size shoes as well as to help with boutique expenses.
Since its inception in 1998, Dress for Success Tampa Bay has provided interview attire for more than 25,000 women. In addition, the nonprofit also offers career search assis- tance, job skills training, and other development tools to help women thrive in work and life.
The results of Dress for Success Tampa Bay’s pro- grams are clear: 90 percent of the women in their Profes- sional Women’s Group have retained their jobs after one year, while 25 percent have been promoted and received pay increases. 62 percent of the women have improved their credit and 80 percent opened a checking account. Approximately one-third of the women furthered their ed- ucation by enrolling in or completing a GED or college program.
Dress for Success Tampa Bay relies on grants, dona- tions, and fundraising events to continue offering services locally. General donations can be made via PayPal at https://tampabay.dressfor- Up-to-date sale information about the Excess Inventory Sale will be posted on the organization’s Face- book page at cesstampabay.