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And Then There Were Locusts
few weeks ago when I first wrote about the Coronavirus (now called
covid19), I said that I wasn't going to allow myself to get worked up by the hype be- cause the hysteria and fear that ensued after the discovery of previous deadly pathogens proved to be unwarranted... Today, I'm still not overly con- cerned by what's occurring.
Even though the death toll has risen to over 2,000 in the last 14 days (100 times more than the initial 17 I mentioned before) and the virus has slowly seeped into multiple countries outside of the epi- center within China's border, I can't say that I'm ready to panic. But, I must admit, after running across another bizarre story on a different continent, I'm starting to get the feeling that what we're experiencing could be part of something much more profound.
While the Chinese are dealing with the scourge of a disease that has caused the na- tion of 1 billion to quarantine 36 million of its citizens, East Africans are currently facing
an equally formidable threat... Desert Locust.
For several weeks, a large swarm of these flying crea- tures, which is estimated to contain some 360 billion in- sects (that's not a typo), has traversed its way through So- malia, Kenya, the Sudan and is currently wreaking havoc on Ethiopia, where millions of acres of farmland and thou- sands of crops have been de- stroyed by the voracious pests.
The swarm is so large, ac- cording to witnesses, that it covers the sky of entire cities, blocking out the sun and plunging some areas into com- plete darkness. When it lands, the swarm is said to devour a season's worth of vegetation in a matter of seconds, leaving pure devastation and potential famine in its wake.
When I first read about what was happening, it was eerily reminiscent of a scene snatched straight from a Stephen King novel. And, with the infestation taking place simultaneously with the emergence of the Corona, it made me wonder if the world
was being tormented by the same plagues that, allegedly, befell ancient Egypt and are mentioned in the Bible's book of Revelations?
If that's the case, and the same tactics are being re- hashed to send us a message, then maybe we should also be on the lookout for rivers turn- ing to blood, frogs falling from the sky and first-born sons mysteriously dying across the globe. The kind of things that were once only found in Jew- ish mythology but, with recent events, now seem to have en- tered the realm of possibility.
We have already become accustomed to hearing about parents killing their children, children killing their parents, rumors of war, severe changes in the weather and the mass extinctions of numerous plant, animal and insect species. The appearance of the locusts may be the final omen confirming a coming catastrophe.
Then again, it could simply be a very odd coincidence that all of these events are happen- ing at the same time just as several different religious texts predicted they would thou- sands of years ago.
But if it's not mere chance, and these truly are harbingers for something that will soon take effect, all I can say is that getting our hearts, souls and minds right in the meantime may not be such a bad idea.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bul- letin Publishing Company. You can contact Mr. Barr at:
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C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
When Mary Talked
inety billion dollars stepped into the spotlight
and spoke. To its knowledge, most of the world had never seen ninety billion dollars, let alone hear it clear its throat. But that night of nights in a voice that sounded more like a bookkeeper’s voice than the roar of an orator, former Mayor Michael Bloomberg told America why it should believe that Bloomberg should be the next president of the United States.
You could feel his competitors salivating. And, surely enough, they let him have it with both guns blaz- ing. But when the smoke cleared, this is what was left. There were cheers and jeers from nonplussed audi- ence members. Democratic candidates drilled Bloomberg mercilessly, as well. But when all was said and done, the ninety billion still stood like the rock of Gibraltar.
In living rooms throughout America, people shared an age-old tradition, “Money talks,” followed by an ep- ithet we should not print on paper. But in this case, the comment is about who will be America’s 46th pres- ident. Even more so, the question is shall America’s presidential choice be dictated by Democratic votes, dictatorial bombast, or billionaire hard cash?
Furthermore, what will be more powerful, the pub- lic’s vote, or the dollar bill? Can our nation be bought? History and Bloomberg wait to see.
Your Season Of Abundant Success
“The first key to achieving abundant suc- cess is believing that it’s possible for YOU to have it.”
~Selphenia Nichols
mpowered Greet- ings. I hope you are preparing for your season of abundant success. That’s right, I am de- claring on your behalf and claiming that it’s your season to have abundant success be- yond what you can imagine or see with your natural eyes.
Question is, “Will you come into alignment with me
and declare abundant success for yourself?” Did you know, that in life, whatever you focus on you will attract. With that statement in mind, realize that there is validity to the state- ment, if you can believe it, you can receive it.
I encourage you to believe in your success despite what your haters and naysayers be- lieve. These people can’t see a bigger picture of abundance for their own life so they can’t see the abundance that’s going to come forth in yours. No matter what situations arise to try and stop you from rising to
the top, maintain an un- quenchable thirst to be suc- cessful.
People who experience abundant success are like a phoenix, they rise from the ashes of the desolate places in their life. They soar above the storms like eagles and keep moving in the direction of their goals, dreams and aspira- tions.
No matter what you face today, this week, next month or at any time this year, believe that the power of success you harness on the inside of you will be released so that you can achieve abundant success in every area of your life in 2020 and beyond.
Stay connected via Social Media with Selphenia on your path to abundant success. Facebook: Selphenia Nichols Success Coach To Women; Twitter: queenof- success1; and Instagram: @Selphenia.
Deadline Extended For ‘Miss Juneteenth’ Pageant
There was a parent meeting Saturday, February 15th, for anyone wishing to become a 2020 contestant for the "Miss Juneteenth" pageant.
The deadline to receive applications has been ex- tended.
Applications are online at, tampabayjuneteenth- You may submit the application online, or for more info, call (813) 270-5687.