Page 18 - Florida Sentinel 9-11-20
P. 18

All people nowadays are pay- ing special attention to the areas of their bodies by keeping them as clean and healthy as possible.
Many times we brush and freshen our teeth and our mouths, moisture the skin and use some treatments on our hair, but be underestimate the impor- tance of maintaining a healthy vagina and vaginal health. It is actually a very important gate- way to our body.
One in 4 women is prone to get minimum one yeast infection in their lives, but, otherwise known as candida, this infection has an impact on the immune system and very often leads to more serious illnesses, for exam-
tion causing organisms. There are other foods that are fer- mented that have this same ef- fect and they are sauerkraut and miso.
This is a food that is actually very rich in potassium and also some vitamin B6 so it will help in producing a natural lubricant for the vagina and therefore help from it becoming dry. There are healthy fats contained in it that can strengthen the vaginal walls and also very important they give the libido a boost.
FOOD#3 SweetPotatoes
This food is boosted with very powerful vitamins and nu- trients, including vitamins A and C, B vitamins, fiber, manganese, iron and potassium, and they also help the vaginal and uterine walls to be strong and in a nice health which will increase the body with antioxidants and also help our bodies to produce en- ergy boosting hormones.
FOOD#4 PumpkinSeeds This food is very rich in vita- min E and zinc and helps to maintain regular periods and fight vaginal discomfort and irri- tation. Every seed, and also nuts help in lubricating the vagina in order to prevent dryness as well
as to relieve menstrual cramps.
FOOD#5 Garlic
This one can help in all kinds of disease and also has a strong antimicrobial and anti fungal properties so it can help to pre- vent vaginal discharge, UTIs, itching and bad odor of the vagina. It is also known for its power on yeast infections and boosting the overall immune system.
The foods kale, spinach, col- lards and Swiss chard are very full in themselves with vitamins A and C, and they are also amaz- ing for normalizing the blood circulation and getting rid of in- fections. They will also help in reducing and burning sensations in the vagina and prevent the dryness.
FOOD#7 CranberryJuice Today we are all aware of the great benefits from cranberries. It is actually crucial and also very good for the overall vaginal health while also fighting UTI causing bacteria as well as bal- ancing the vagina’s pH levels. In case you are wishing best bene- fits you shall stay away from sug- ary cranberry drinks and also try sipping on the purer more natu- ral things, and as well you can eat cranberries on a daily basis in order to take in those healthy
acid compounds.
FOOD#8 SoyProducts
Very often, the soy products get a bad reputation because there exist some myths about how eating soy can cause skin conditions and some health problems. Inside themselves there are included some phytoe- strogens and also, plant derived xenoestrogens that can help in improving the vaginal lubrica- tion and preventing the men- strual cramps. The products derived from it, such as edama, also contain healthy omega 3 fatty acids, minerals and vita- mins that can always help in bet- tering the menopausal symptoms.
FOOD#9 DarkChocolate
Even though some people believe the opposite, the choco- late in particular the dark choco- late is actually very good for the immune system because it is very high in antioxidants, healthy minerals, magnesium and natural stimulants. Also, it is believed that it is an aphrodisiac and it is also rich in phenylala- nine, that is an amino acid that produces dopamine, which is a chemical that makes you feel good.
FOOD #10 Apple Cider Vine- gar
This is a natural remedy that comes up as a must in the house- hold for cleaning and consum- ing, because it has numerous natural enzymes that can fight candida and will encourage the growth of healthy bacteria which in turn minimizes the over- growth of candida. To use apple cider vinegar in an effective way to cure yeast problems, is to take it every day in one or two table- spoons in tea.
     ple cancer.
Also, more than 50% of all
women will develop painful uri- nary track infections during their life, so to know this vaginal health prevention is crucial.
We are going to tell you about some foods that are good in order to keep your vaginal health strong :
  FOOD #1 Probiotics natural yogurt Foods that in themselves have natural probi- otics are very rich in bacteria cul- tures that will increase vaginal health, and so, greek yogurt is for that reason known around the world to ward of infections and also to kill disease and infec-
Leafy Greens

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