Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 11-20-20
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 Obama News
 Beloved President Barack Obama's Memoir Now Available
  Former President Barack Obama’s upcoming memoir “A Promised Land” was released this morning in hardcover, digital and audiobook formats — yesterday, Obama shared an eponymous playlist as a sort of companion to the book, which includes "some memo- rable songs from my administra- tion," he tweeted. The memoir “is the most anticipated presidential mem- oir in memory, as much or more be- cause of the quality of the writing than for any possible revelations,” reported the AP when the launch date was announced. You can find the book right now on Bookshop, Target , Walmart and Amazon for physical copies of the book — Ama- zon also offers Kindle and audiobook versions.
The first of two volumes, this ini- tial 768-page release is what Obama described in a September statement as “an honest accounting of my pres-
and the mistakes I made, and the po- litical, economic, and cultural forces that my team and I had to confront then — and that as a nation we are grappling with still.”
Other than recounting the past, Obama noted he’ll offer his take on what “can heal the divisions in our country going forward and make our democracy work for everybody...” If 2020 has been a year of unprece- dented events and circumstances, Obama’s memoir might serve as a glimpse into what his priorities were, how they’ve evolved and where they’ve since landed. “A Promised Land” offers Obama’s take on some of his most notable moments in of- fice, from wrestling a global financial crisis to passing the Affordable Care Act. The publisher has yet to an- nounce the release date of the second volume.
This will be Obama’s third book so far. His first, “Dreams from My
Father,” published in 1995 and “The Audacity of Hope” came out in 2006. As the holiday season approaches, Obama’s might help you check off giftees on your list as a (substantial) stocking stuffer for any politics buff or fan of the Obamas.
   idential campaign and my time in of- fice, the key events and people who shaped it, my take on what I got right
 A Promised Land
WALMART $27.00 $45.00
AMAZON $41.40 $45.00
BOOKSHOP $27.00 $45.00

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