Page 15 - Florida Sentinel 11-20-20
P. 15

  Mayor Jane Castor’s ‘Art On The Block’ Installation At R.I.C.H. House In Robles Park
 Mayor Jane Castor, along with Tampa Police Chief Brian Dugan, dedicated the most recent installment of “Art on the Block” program, a mural at the R.I.C.H House at Robles Park. Local artist Ya Levy La’Ford, who was com- missioned to create the mural, was present with youth that contributed to the project.
“Art on the Block” is an initiative by Mayor Castor that is envisioned to bring art and artists into the neighborhoods. The intent of this program is to make art accessible to all, to encourage engagement and participation in the improvements that come to one’s own neighbor- hood.
The dedication was held on Thursday, November 5, 2020, at 4:30 p. m., at 3305 N. Avon Ave., Tampa, FL 33603.
Ya Levy La’Ford is a professor, installation artist, and muralist. As a first generation American, she moves
The artist of the project, Ya Levy La’Ford addressed those in attendance.
between her Jamaican heritage and vulnerable communities to try to find a universal language through her art. La’Ford maintains her studio prac- tice in St. Petersburg, Washington, D. C., and New York. Learn more about her at
The mural, in the background, with the young people who participated with the artist, Ya Levy La’Ford, to make it happen.
   The R.I.C.H. house, supported by the Tampa Police Department and RISE Tampa, Our Police Founda- tion, works to enhance neighbor- hood safety through collaboration
between police and residents in high- crime areas. The program offers un- derserved children a safe space where they can grow, learn, and play after school and during the summer.

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