Page 29 - Florida Sentinel 11-20-20
P. 29

   When Pandemic Struck, New Business Owners Had To Shift Their Operations
 BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
When the pandemic of COVID-19 struck locally the third week in March, 2020, there were several businesses that had just started out, some having been open a few months. The sudden shut down, hurt many and even caused some to shut their doors completely.
Instead of shutting down her operation, Mrs. Gwyn Rena’ (Sams) Deravil found another avenue to con- tinue her business.
The Tampa native started Sweet & Petite Elegant Events last year, June 2019. The goal of the business was to be a “children’s party styling and uplifting entertainment com- pany,” for young girls ages 4- 16 years.
“We offer uplifting party
décor and encouraging activi- ties such as Glam Spa pam- pers, Creative Painting, Dazzling Tea Parties, and more,” she explained.
When COVID-19 struck the nation, most events were immediately suspended, which ended up being a posi- tive for her. She recently added Etiquette Workshops to her business.
“My business was sup- posed to start off with the eti- quette classes, but I never had enough time to actually plan and draw out the lesson plans,” she said.
During the early part of the pandemic, she enrolled in IAP Online Career College to be- come certified as a Etiquette Consultant. This gave her the opportunity to plan the work- shops. The first was held in
shop gave her incentive to host another, held earlier this month.
The young participants are socially distanced and wear masks.
Mrs. Deravil believes that while growing up, the guidance and support from older women “was so essential to my growth.” That’s one of the reasons she has a passion to help young girls become a better version of themselves. “I felt I was being led by the Holy Spirit to reach out to young Black and Brown girls in the
The effect of today’s social
media has a negative impact on the youth. “I want to bring a solution to the problem by helping our young ladies learn how to be lovely and graceful in all settings without being promiscuous. I believe it starts with self love.
Mrs. Deravil is married and the mother of 3 children.
For additional information on Sweet & Petite, visit the website: www.sweetandpeti-, or call (813) 419-3814.
     MRS. GWYN RENA’ DERAVIL ...Owner, Sweet & Petite Elegant Events
October and there was a great turn out of girls 5-13 years old. The success of the first work-
        Join The Tiger Family
 Have a Safe Holiday Break, 11/23 - 11/27/20!
Middleton’s 1st Magnet Ap- plication closes December 11th. We are preparing students
for life through:
• Academics
• Magnet Programs (Bio- medical/ Biotechnology; Cyber Security, Computer Science; Computer Game Design, Engineering)
• Industry Certifications
• Dual Enrollment (receive Associates Degree)
• Mentorships
• Internships
• Scholarships (2019 ex- ceeded over $22 million in 1 year)
For more information please visit Middleton's Web- site: http://middleton.mys-
Middleton Conference night for the 2nd Quarter, 11/19, 4-6 PM.
Tonya A. Sheffield- Floyd, M.S., is Magnet Lead, Community Volunteer, Coordi- nator, Middleton High School, Pre-Collegiate STEM Academy.
Mickie Boddie is Princi- pal.

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