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Tampa Patriarch To Celebrate His 101st Birthday
On Sunday, September 5th, a Tampa patriarch will celebrate his special birthday. Mr. Bennie Gilley, who was born in 1920, will turn 101.
Mr. Gilley has outlived all four of his siblings. He is also one of the last surviving veterans who served in World War II.
Like many other families, the Coronavirus has changed the manner in which his fam- ily celebrates. They have planned a virtual celebration with his family and friends.
There will not be a large birthday party as the family had originally planned. They are acting with caution by limiting visitors. However, birthday wishes can be sent virtually.
His granddaughter said, “Due to the recent spike in COVID-19, we are unable to have a big party. He has been vaccinated, but we continue to keep him safe by limiting who comes to see him.
“It has been heartbreak- ing to tell his loved ones that they cannot come over and visit him. We Facetime alot these days. The grandchil-
dren especially miss spend- ing time with him. They miss the family gatherings and family game time with papa.”
Mr. Gilley’s favorite Bible quotes in 23 Psalms and Matthew 6:33, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all His right- eousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Viet Nam Vet, Longtime Delta Employee Dies After Brief Illness
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
Booker T. Joyner, a vet- eran of the Viet Nam War and a 21-year employee of Delta Airlines passed away Friday evening (August 27, 2021), at Tampa General Hospital.
Joyner, a Tampa native, graduated from Middleton High School, furthering his education at Bethune-Cook- man College, and graduated from Florida A&M University.
Joyner started his career as a member of the Blake High School staff before he was drafted into the military.
As a member of the U. S.
Army, Sgt. Joyner served in Viet Nam, earning a Purple Heart and many other awards.
Returning to his home-
town of Tampa, he became an Interim Director of the Hills- borough County Community Action Agency in the 70s.
Mrs. Brenda Joyner
said her husband of 48 years worked for Delta Airlines for 21 years, retiring in 2007. The husband and father was a Life Member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Joyner was the son of the late Henry and Jean Joyner; and among his sib- lings are Senator Arthenia Joyner and Sonja Bexley.
Funeral arrangements are incomplete at this time with Wilson Funeral Home han- dling arrangements.
Local Realtor Expands Philanthropy To Home Improvement
BY MONIQUE STAMPS Sentinel Staff Writer
Eboney DeCosta is a real estate agent with a cause and a purpose. After giving away scholarships earlier this summer, she has expanded her community service agenda.
DeCosta’s 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the DeCosta Foundation, has just been approved and she is already rolling with her
first program, Paint the Town.
‘Paint the Town’ is a pro- gram to pressure wash, paint, and landscape local homes. Recently, DeCosta provided a makeover for a local Tampa family after they applied on Facebook.
DeCosta says some- times it’s a little thing that might lead to a code infrac- tion or enforcement lien. Senior citizens with homes that are paid off are vulner-
able because they are often unable to do the small re- pairs and maintenance their house needs.
DeCosta’s passion to help restore Black neighbor- hoods in Tampa has grown over the years. Most impor- tantly to DeCosta is to en- sure that positive examples of home ownership and home maintenance are the rule and not the exception.
DeCosta and the board of her non-profit will be se- lecting more houses as the program grows.
Look for opportunities for “Paint the Town” on Facebook at /DeCostaRealty.
Since DeCosta is also interested in education, there will be other opportu- nities on the DeCosta Face- book page.
Eboney DeCosta and the latest home to be renovated.
Library News
Holiday Closing
Monday, September 06, 2021 * All Locations
Gallery@2607 Presents: Community Stepping Stones - The River's Edge Wednesday, September 01, 2021 -
Monday, November 01, 2021 C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. Library
Founded in 2004, Community Stepping Stones is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing professional instruction for young people engaged in the visual arts. The students were in- spired to create this exhibit of abstract paintings by the ecosystem of local area rivers.