Page 3 - Florida Sentinel 9-3-21
P. 3

  BBQ Business Owner Hosts COVID-19 Vaccine Incentive Event
 BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
In recent weeks, Americans have witnessed a spike in the COVID-19 Virus as it continues to claim lives. Hos- pitals are overrun with new patients on a daily basis and schools have high ab- sentee rates as a result of the virus.
As the death rate attributed to the COVID-19 continues to rise, people are trying to spread the word about the im- portance of getting vaccinated.
Michael Trigg, Sr., is doing everything he can to encourage resi- dents to get vaccinated, including offer- ing an incentive through his local barbeque restaurant.
The owner of Konan’s BBQ, Trigg is partnering with Health Matters Phar- macy to host a vaccination event at his Tampa-based restaurant on Friday, September 3 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
MICHAEL TRIGG, SR. Owner of Konan’s BBQ
Everyone who gets vaccinated dur- ing the event will receive a free rib sand-
wich and a chance to win an auto- graphed Tom Brady football.
The vaccination event is critically important to Trigg, who recently expe- rienced the devastating loss of a family member to COVID-19. He hopes indi- viduals will come out and get vaccinated for their own health and the health of their loved ones in order to help stop the virus from claiming more lives.
Trigg said, “being a pillar in the community, you have to be willing to lead when the community needs you the most."
Health Matters Pharmacy is offering the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccine during the event. Mi- nors ages 12 to 17 are only eligible to re- ceive the Pfizer vaccine and they must have a parent or guardian present. Adults ages 18 and over are able to choose which vaccine they want to re- ceive.
Dr. Vondalyn Wright, owner of Health Matters Pharmacy, is encourag- ing everyone who has questions about the vaccine to stop by and speak to her staff.
“We want to make it clear that there are plenty of vaccines available to any- one who is eligible, and at no cost. At Health Matters Pharmacy we are your community partner and we are offering all 3 vaccines. We understand the hesi- tancy but you will either trust this virus or trust the vaccine. Ending this pan- demic is vital to our health and our economy. COVID-19 is an ever-chang- ing virus not getting the vaccine can be the difference between life and death,” Dr. Wright said.
Konan’s BBQ is located at 1510 North Hubert Avenue. Individuals do not need health insurance or an ap- pointment to take advantage of this free opportunity.

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