Page 2 - Florida Sentinel 6-14-19
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    Mayor Appoints Manager Of Community Partnerships
FDOT To Present Traffic Update On MLK Blvd. Near New C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. Library
 After attending the April 2019 community meetingof College Hill/Belmont Heights Neighborhood Associa- tion/Crime Watch and hav- ing a conversation with president, Ms. Cynthia Few, Mrs. Gwen Myers decided to contact David Gwynn, District Seven Sec- retary of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) re- garding reducing the speed limits and adding a pedestri- ans stop light signal on MLK Blvd. and 26th Street, near the new C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. Library.
Mrs. Myers stated that she had met with Gwynn previously regarding trans- portation issues, and thought this was the perfect time to contact him again regarding a community concern.
Mrs. Myers learned that FDOT has completed an evaluation for the intersec- tion of Dr. MLK, Jr. Blvd. and 26th Street to determine a traffic signal is warranted based on crash experience. This improvement will also provide a safe crossing for pedestrians and bicyclists ac- cessing the new C. Blythe An- drews, Jr. Library. FDOT also informed her that target- ing/programming a project for signal installation will not take place until the year 2022 and estimated construction costs is $650K; or sooner if
MS. CYNTHIA FEW President, College Hill/Bel- mont Heights Neighborhood Association/Crime Watch
funds become available and with priority support of Hills- borough Metropolitan Plan- ning Organization (MPO).
Mrs. Myers says, “The community cannot wait until year 2022. We’re asking the community to attend this meeting to hear the FDOT presentation on signal instal- lation, and urging the com- munity to contact the MPO to make this signal installation a priority in County’s Fiscal Year 2019/2020 Budget.”
Ms. Few expresses grat- itude to Mrs. Myers and the FDOT for the consideration in this matter. “College Hill/Belmont Heights Neigh- borhood Association /Crime Watch first requested a "Crossing Signal" at 26th Street and Dr. Martin Luther
MRS. GWEN MYERS Concerned Citizen
King Blvd. in 2016. The crossing light would make it safer for the 6 schools and ap- proximately 8 churches, Bel- mont Heights Estates and other businesses not to men- tion our new C. Blythe An- drews, Jr. Library, which is used for voting, so residents will be able to cross this street safely. We want to be proac- tive not reactive after a pedestrian is hit trying to cross this busy street,” she
saidM. s. Jo Ellyn Guthrie and Ms. Margaret Ku- bilins will attend and repre- sent FDOT at this College Hill/Belmont Heights Neigh- borhood Association/Crime Watch meeting on Thursday, June 20, 2019, at 6 p. m. at St. John Progressive M. B. Church’s Life Center, 2504 Chipco Street, Tampa. They will make a presentation for the features and proposed improvements for that seg- ment of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. from 15th to 29th Streets.
     BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Last month, newly elected Mayor Jane Castor began the process of establishing her administration. During the process, she will review current positions and make some changes.
One of the changes she made recently was the cre- ation of the Manager of Com- munity Partnerships position. And, she appointed Ms. Janelle McGregor to serve in the position. She began serving in her new ca- pacity on June 3rd.
Of the appointment, Mayor Castor said, “Janelle is an amazing addi- tion to our neighborhoods team. Over the last 15 years, I’ve seen her command re- spect from everyone she’s crossed paths with.
“Her passion, drive, and commitment to this great city has made her a star utility player throughout the com- munity. I look forward to see- ing her flourish as she takes on this next role.”
Ms. McGregor left the City of Tampa Public Infor- mation Office to accept the appointment. She stated, “I’m very grateful to Mayor Cas- tor for giving me the oppor- tunity to implement new strategic partnerships that will help shine a light on all neighborhoods so that every- one has a chance to benefit from the growth that takes place in our city.”
MS. JANELLE McGREGOR ... Newly appointed Manager of Community Partnerships
Ms. MeGregor began her employment with the City July 5, 2004. Two years after being hired as the Reception- ist for the Department’s East Tampa Sector E Office, she was promoted to the Person- nel Bureau and remained in that office for a year. Her next stop was the Media Relations Office at the Tampa Police Department in August 2007. With that promotion, Ms. McGregor became the first African American to serve in an official capacity as a spokesperson for the police department.
During her tenure in this position and with the evolu- tion of social media, Ms. Mc- Gregor had the opportunity to teach best practices on so- cial media through the Florida Attorney General’s Office. The position has since evolved into a contractual yearly agreement.
To date, she has provided instructions to more than 600 students representing law enforcement and the pri- vate sector throughout the State of Florida.
She has spearheaded nu- merous initiatives in an effort to bridge the gap between law enforcement and the commu- nity it serves.
Ms. McGregor is the re- cipient of numerous awards and forms of recognition, in- cluding being chosen as the recipient of the National As- sociation of Government Communicators in June 2019; “Employee of the Month,” and “Employee of the Year,” at the Tampa Po- lice Department.

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