Page 6 - Florida Sentinel 8-6-19
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White House And Political News
New California Law Requires Trump To Release Last Five Tax Returns To Secure Spot On The Primary Ballot
President Ronald Reagan's
California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law that prohibits President Trump from appearing on California’s primary ballot next year unless he releases his tax returns.
Under the state’s law, which took effect immediately on July 30, all presidential candi- dates are required to submit five years of income tax filings by late November to keep their spot on California’s presiden- tial primary ballot in March, reported the Los Angeles Times.
“As one of the largest economies in the world and home to one in nine Americans eligible to vote, California has a special responsibility to re- quire this information of pres- idential and gubernatorial candidates,” Newsom said in a statement released Tuesday.
“These are extraordinary
In 1973, an issue raised over a tax deduction taken by Pres- ident Nixon started the tra- dition of having presidential candidates release their re- turns. Only two presidents in the years after — President Ford in 1976 and Trump in 2016 — have refused to release their returns.
While this may be a way to ensure Trump releases his re- turns before the next election, the president may actually have several options to cir- cumvent the law.
First, the law does not keep a candidate who does not re- lease their returns from ap- pearing on the November 2020 general election ballot in the state.
Additionally, many political experts assume President Trump will fight the law in court.
Her Father's Racism
times and states have a legal and moral duty to do every- thing in their power to ensure leaders seeking the highest of- fices meet minimal standards, and to restore public confi- dence. The disclosure re- quired by this bill will shed light on conflicts of interest, self-dealing, or influence from domestic and foreign business interest.”
Patti Davis, the daughter of former U. S. President Ronald Reagan, penned an op-ed in the Washington Post about her father’s recently leaked comments, describing United Nations diplomats from Tanzania “monkeys.”
In the opinion piece, Davis says her father’s words were indefensible.
She wrote, “There is no de- fense, no rationalization, no suitable explanation for what my father said on that taped phone conversation... When I was growing up, bigotry and racism were addressed in my family by making it clear that these were toxic and sinister beliefs that should always be called out and shunned.”
The recorded conversation was between the 40th Presi- dent and 37th President Richard Nixon, and took place in 1971. In a segment of the tape, which was published in an article in The Atlantic on July 30, Reagan, who was then California’s governor, can be heard expressing his frustration to Nixon over the United Nations voting to rec- ognize the People’s Republic of China with the help of dele- gates from several African countries.
“To see those, those mon- keys from those African coun- tries — damn them, they’re still uncomfortable wearing shoes!” Reagan said as Nixon laughed.
Patti Davis ended the op- ed by apologizing in the name of her father. “I believe, if my father had, years after the fact, heard that tape, he would have asked for forgiveness,” she wrote. “He would have said, ‘I deeply regret what I said — that’s not who I am.’”
Ronald Reagan served two terms as president from 1981 to 1989. He passed away in 2004 while Davis’ mother, former first lady Nancy Rea- gan, died in 2016.
Daughter Asks You To Forgive
There Is No Excuse For Supporting This President
On Sunday morning, for- mer congressman Beto O’Rourke spoke for millions of Americans.
O’Rourke is a native of El Paso, Tex., one of two sites of mass murder in the past 24 hours. The alleged killer had regurgitated white nationalist bile and hatred of immi- grants. If a Muslim preacher’s words were repeated nearly verbatim by Islamic mass murderers, we’d consider him a threat to national security. And yet, when venom drawn from President Trump’s vicious attacks on immi- grants, his channeling of “re- placement” conspiracy theories, his dehumanization of immigrants and his demo- nization of the media show up in the ramblings of serial mail bomber Cesar Sayoc, the Tree of Life synagogue and Christchurch mosque mass murderers and now the slaughterer of innocents in El Paso, we don’t collectively hold him morally account- able, insist he recant his views and demand an end to his presidency.
South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg observed that white nationalist terror- ists “feel validated” by Trump.
For decades now, Republi- cans have insisted mass mur- ders with semiautomatic weapons are not reflective of a gun problem. I can no longer comprehend how such
a ludicrous assertion is re- motely acceptable. But in one sense they are right: It’s not merely Republicans’ indul- gence of the National Rifle Association that puts Ameri- cans’ lives in jeopardy; it is the support and enabling of a president that inspires white nationalist terrorists — and even denies white national- ism is a problem.
The Dayton, Ohio, mass killing is the 32nd “mass killing by firearms” this year. And while Trump continues to demonize Muslims and for- eigners, the facts indicate white nationalists are respon- sible for more deaths than Is- lamic fundamentalist- inspired killings under this president. The Anti- Defamation League reported:
In 2018, domestic extrem- ists killed at least 50 people in the U. S., a sharp increase from the 37 extremist-related murders documented in 2017, though still lower than the to- tals for 2015 (70) and 2016 (72). The 50 deaths make
2018 the fourth-deadliest year on record for domestic extremist-related killings since 1970.
The rise in hate crimes under this president also has been dramatic. The Anti- Defamation League docu- mented, “Right-wing extremists were linked to at least 50 extremist-related murders in the United States in 2018, making them re- sponsible for more deaths than in any year since 1995. . . . Right-wing extremists killed more people in 2018 than in any year since 1995, the year of Timothy McVeigh’s bomb attack on the Okla- homa City federal building.”
In sum, we are awash in hate crimes and white nation- alist-inspired mass murders. We have a president whose words inspire and bolster per- petrators of these heinous acts. That makes Trump not only a moral abomination, which no policy outcome can offset, but a threat to national security. Those encouraged by his words in recent years kill more Americans than Is- lamist terrorists. If that is not justification for bipartisan re- pudiation of this president and removal from office at the earliest possible moment I don’t know what is. Those who countenance and sup- port this president for his white-grievance mongering are not merely “deplorable” but dangerous.
Tomi Lahren's Fox News Colleagues
Criticize Her On Twitter For Asking Kamala
Harris If She Slept 'Her Way To The Top'
Tomi Lahren found her- self in hot water with her conservative colleagues on Fox News after she made dis- paraging and sexist remarks about California Senator Kamala Harris.
During the second night of the Democratic debates, Tomi Lahren took a below- the-belt hit at Harris for once dating former San Fran- cisco Mayor Willie Brown in the '90s
"Kamala did you fight for ideals or did you sleep your way to the top with Willie Brown?" Lahren tweeted.
While this is not the first time Lahren tweeted about Harris’ former relationship with Brown, this is the first time other women of Fox News have called out the
young conservative for the tweet.
“I am curious to know what you think bringing a woman’s personal/sexual life into this accomplishes,” Fox News libertarian commenta- tor Kat Timpf replied. “Men do that to us enough as it is. I’m honestly asking.”