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Pastors Speak On COVID-19 Pandemic
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
The Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, has devastated the world. Many are wondering where do they turn or who do they go to. In most instances when devas- tation occurs, Christians turn to their ministers or pastors for words of comfort or direc- tion.
However, COVID-19 has touched all, including the pastors and ministers, many of whom are traveling a lot, or are just out and about looking after their flocks.
The Sentinel reached out to several pastors and minis- ters in the Tampa community to get their comments on this devastating disease. Here are their comments.
Supt. Charles Davis,
Pastor of College Hill Church of God in Christ: “This is a revelation to the Word that God is in control, and we can use this to take note that He is in charge.
“Even though this is not a Christian nation, our values are based on Christianity. We have moved away from Christ and He could be using this to call our attention to Him.”
Supt. Davis called the situation at The River Church, where the pastor, Pastor Rodney Howard- Browne was arrested, “an unfortunate situation be- cause this gives the Jesus- haters more ammunition. We
SUPT. CHARLES DAVIS ...College Hill Church of God in Christ
are required by Scripture to obey the laws of the land. If the laws conflict with the Scripture, then you follow the Scripture.
“Many talk about the First Amendment Rights, but that talks about free speech, and that doesn’t mean you say anything you want to when you want to,” he explained.
Sunday, April 5, 2020, is the First Sunday of the month and it’s Palm Sunday, a time when many churches hold specials services and ad- minister Holy Communion.
Supt. Davis says his church will skip Communion this Sunday while working on a plan for next month. “I’m sure this pandemic is going to change the way we have been doing a lot of things,” he con- cluded.
Bishop Matthew Williams, Pastor, Brown Memorial Church Of God In
BISHOP MATTHEW WILLIAMS ...Brown Memorial Church
of God in Christ
Christ; Prelate, Southwestern Florida Jurisdiction; General Board Member, Church Of God In Christ, Inc.
"We are living in uncer- tain times but we have the as- surance that God is with us. God told Isaiah during a time of uncertainty to "fear not, for I am with you; be not dis- mayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
“It is a time of prayer and seeking the face of God so that He will hear our plea. We should continue to seek the Almighty God to protect our families and fight this enemy.
“As the church, it is our responsibility to uphold the law and support our govern- ment leaders. These individ- uals are only trying to keep the people and our cities safe. We are comforted by God's promise that, "if my people which are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, I will forgive their sin and heal their land."
“I believe that we need to sincerely turn to God in this time of great crisis as only He can and will deliver us."
Rev. Dr. Glenn Dames, Pastor, Allen Tem- ple AME Church
“As pastors and ministers we should never glorify igno- rance or make ourselves mar- tyrs out of arrogance. As far as the situation with the local pastor being arrested earlier this week for allowing hun- dreds of his members to gather for service, let's just call it as it is. If you decide to disobey current laws and reg- ulations, thereby thinking
that you are more important than others, you are making God look bad! It’s time to speak plainly and call it what it is: defiant stupidity. The Bible says, "Blessed are the peacemakers." How are we going to reach our commu- nity for Jesus when we turn our heads in arrogance to those who are tasked with governing us?
“It's ridiculous! The pas- tor in Tampa was arrested for violating a ruling put in place to protect people’s lives. Now, someone in that con- gregation is guaranteed to be exposed to the virus, perhaps even dying from it. This has NOTHING to do with free- dom of religion. It has to do with the responsibility of a shepherd to lead, guide and ultimately to PROTECT his flock. The law should not have to tell him to do this. Loving and protecting God's people is his most sacred duty. It is his selfishness that should be condemned, not the measures that have been put in place to protect peo- ple’s lives. Shame on him and anyone else who decides to politicize our worship.
“These are uncertain days that we find ourselves in America and all over the world. The Coronavirus Pan- demic has shaken our people and has caused great panic and worry, even among God’s own children. But we do not have to fear or lose faith because our GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL!
“However, this is not a call for being reckless. It does mean that we are not to be cautious and practice God- given wisdom when con- fronting this pandemic!
“We came to the unani- mous decision, based upon the recommendation of pub- lic health officials, govern- ment leaders and with advice from Bishop Adam J. Richardson, Jr., the Pre- siding Prelate of the Eleventh Episcopal District and Senior Bishop of the AME Church, to suspend large Sunday gatherings and all face to face church activities.
“However, this does not mean that we will cease serv- ing and worshiping our Lord during this time. Also, during this time we will continue to provide pastoral care as much as possible given the
current circumstances. “Naturally, the question arises, “What can I do during this time?” First, I ask you to pray for our nation, state, communities and church family. Secondly, continue to do your daily devotions, and worship and pray together as families. In your daily living be both a good witness for the Lord Jesus Christ and a good citizen. We ask that you con- tinue giving; as the church re- sponsibilities are still
Bishop Thomas Scott,
Pastor of the 34th Street Church of God, joined Sher- iff Chad Chronister earlier this week to address the ar- rest of Pastor Rodney Howard-Br0wne, Pastor of The River at Tampa Bay Church.
“We had been given man- dates passed down by the Emergency Council Group; churches are not exempt from that. We have to obey the laws of the land.
“People are suffering and dying from this disease and we need not put our parish- ioners in harm’s way. As Pas- tors and Shepherds, we are to protect or flocks, and protect the community.”
Minister James Hayes
shared that when he thinks of the virus he thinks of Exo- dus 12. The Passover insti- tuted:
14-day period quaran- tine:
Exodus 12:6 – And you shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month.
Prayer (of each of us): Exodus 12:7 – And they shall take of the blood (Lamb/Jesus), and strike it on the two side posts (heart and mind) and the upper door post (soul) of the houses (life/body), wherein they shall eat it
Family remains at
home until threat of virus ends:
Exodus 12:13 – And the blood should be a token upon the houses where you are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smote the land of Egypt (sin/virus).