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Political News
    Pelosi To Push Vote-By-Mail Funding For States In Next Stimulus
  Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the nation must move to a vote-by-mail system amid the ongoing coronavirus cri- sis and that she plans to ad- vocate funding for that in the next stimulus measure.
“In terms of the elections, I think that we will probably be moving to vote by mail,” Pelosi told MSNBC’s “Morn- ing Joe” program Tuesday. She called it “a reality of life” amid the outbreak.
“The integrity of our elec- tion system is central to our democracy,” she said.
President Donald Trump criticized efforts by Democrats to expand voter access to November’s presi- dential election on Monday in an interview with Fox News. Democrats had pushed for such measures in the $2.2
WASHINGTON, DC -The U. S. government is preparing to send out direct payments to help individuals amid the coronavirus pandemic, but those who need the money most may be waiting the longest to see it.
The first payments could go out within three weeks, and will likely go to those for whom the Internal Revenue Service already has direct de- posit information on file.
It's unclear how long it will take to get the money to everyone else -- but experts say it could take weeks or even months.
Previous stimulus pay- ments in 2001 and 2008 have been delivered by both direct deposit and checks in the mail, but mobile payment services like Venmo want to play a role this time. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Sunday that there will be a web-based app for those whose information is not on file to register their payment details.
Former President Barack Obama on Tuesday called out President Donald Trump’s haphazard han- dling of the coronavirus pan- demic, urging voters to “demand better of our gov- ernment.”
“We’ve seen all too terribly the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic,” Obama tweeted. “We can’t afford any more consequences of climate de- nial. All of us, especially young people, have to de- mand better of our govern- ment at every level and vote this fall,” he added.
Obama, who has rarely attacked Trump since leav- ing office in 2016, did not mention the current U.S. leader by name in the tweet.
Trump has been fiercely criticized for downplaying the threat of the virus for weeks while his administra- tion dithered. He has previ- ously called climate change a
The IRS will use your 2019 tax return, if you've already filed it, or your 2018 return to calculate the amount of your payment. The payments would not be subject to tax, and those who owe back taxes will still get the payouts.
Individuals are due up to $1,200 and couples will re- ceive up to $2,400 -- plus $500 per child. But payments start phasing out for individ- uals with adjusted gross in- comes of more than $75,000. The amount will then be re- duced by $5 for every addi- tional $100 of adjusted gross income, and those making more than $99,000 will not receive anything. The income thresholds would be doubled for couples.
Direct deposits will go out automatically
The IRS says that pay- ments will go out automati- cally to those who authorized a direct deposit for their re- funds on either their 2019 or 2018 tax return.
“hoax” and his administra- tion has pursued an anti-en- vironment agenda.
Trump has also sought to blame Obama for his own government’s botched re- sponse to the public health crisis that has sickened more than 188,000 people in the U. S. and killed upwards of 4,000. The U. S. now has more confirmed coronavirus cases than any other country in the world.
Trump signed last week, but most were removed.
“They had things -- levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Re- publican elected in this coun- try again,” Trump said in the interview.
Pelosi did not discuss pre- cise amounts or other details. But when pressed about op- position from Trump and
analysis last week that 47 million more workers could lose their jobs by the end of the second quarter of 2020, bringing the total number of unemployed people in the U. S. to 52.8 million. As CNBC noted, that number would be "more than three times worse than the peak of the Great Recession."
Faria-e-Castro's pro- jection of 32.1% unemploy- ment would put the U. S. jobless ratesignificantly higher than the Depression- era peak of 24.9%.
"The projections are even worse than St. Louis Fed President James Bullard's much-publicized
Republicans, she questioned “how anyone could oppose our enabling the states to have vote by mail.”
“I feel sad that the presi- dent doesn’t have confidence that his party cannot con- vince the American people about a path to go forward. But that’s what elections are about -- what’s your vision for the future?” she said.
estimate of 30% [unemploy- ment]," CNBC reported. "They reflect the high nature of at-risk jobs that ulti- mately could be lost."
Faria-e-Castro stressed that "the expected duration of unemployment" could matter more "than the un- employment rate itself, es- pecially if the recovery is quick (and so duration is short)."
"These are very large numbers by historical stan- dards," Faria-e-Castro wrote, "but this is a rather unique shock that is unlike any other experienced by the U. S. economy in the last 100 years."
Fed Economists Warn US Unemployment Rate Could Soon Reach 32%—During Great Depression It Peaked At 25%
 "These are very large numbers by historical stan- dards, but this is a rather unique shock that is unlike any other experienced by the U. S. economy in the last 100 years."
Economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis are warning that if the cur- rent rate of U. S. job losses continues, the country's un- employment rate could reach a staggering 32.1% by the end of June as the coro- navirus pandemic-induced downturn sparks mass lay- offs across the nation.
Miguel Faria-e-Castro,
an economist with the St. Louis Fed, wrote in an
When Will You Get Your Stimulus Cash, And How?
   Barack Obama Takes Rare Public Swipe At Donald Trump Over Coronavirus Response

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