Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 8-23-19
P. 4

  Mayor Names Chairs, Members Of Affordable Housing Advisory Team
       Mayor Jane Castor re- cently announced the fourth of her five-part 'Trans- forming Tampa's To- morrow' transition advisory teams by naming the co-chairperson of her Af- fordable Housing Advisory Team. Those selected to serve as co-chairpersons are: Bemetra Simmons, Florida Managing Director of Mutual of Omaha Bank; Bishop Thomas Scott, for- mer County Commissioner, and Tyler Hudson, attor- ney at Garner Brewer Mar- tinez-Monfort.
Mayor Castor said, “Home ownership is part of the American dream and ac- cess to that is one of the top priorities of my administra- tion.
“This advisory team will serve as a compass to ensure
that dream becomes a reality for past and future Tampa residents.”
The Affordable Housing Advisory Team will comple- ment the three other teams that have been launched to focus on Workforce Housing, Transportation and Develop- ment Services, respectively. The Advisory Teams are vital to helping guide the Mayor's strategic visioning for key City priorities and are planned to each engage for approximately 90 days.
The Affordable Housing Advisory Team kicked off on Wednesday, August 21.
Affordable Housing Members
Bemetra Simmons is currently the Florida Manag- ing Director at Mutual of Omaha Bank. Ms. Sim-
mons began her profes- sional career in 1997 as an Account Manager with WorldCom and served as a Global Account Manager for AT&T Global Services and has worked in financial serv- ices for over 14 years.
Bishop Thomas Scott
is a former County Commis- sioner and City Council member; Past member of the Hillsborough County Avia- tion Authority, Hillsborough County Hospital Authority, Hillsborough County Port Authority, The Tampa Sports Authority, Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority, Florida State Fair Authority, Metropolitan Planning Or- ganization, Tampa Bay Con- vention & Visitors Bureau, Public Transportation Com- mission, Emergency Policy Board and many more boards and agencies.
Attorney Tyler Hud- son, of Gardner Brewer Martinez-Monfort. Is the for- mer chair, All for Trans- portation; Board of Directors Tampa Downtown Partner- ship, Greater Tampa Cham- ber of Commerce, and Tampa Heights Civic Associ- ation. Leader’s Council, Tampa Bay Chapter Urban Land Institute.
Bret Azzerelli is Vice President, Elements Archi- tecture Firm; the National Trust for Historic Preserva- tion, U. S. Green Building
Council (2006-Present), Leadership Tampa (1996), and University of Tampa (2002-Present).
Leroy Moore has worked in the real estate de- velopment arena since 1984 and currently holds the posi- tion of Senior Vice-Presi- dent/Chief Operating Officer with the Tampa Housing Au- thority. He has held Director level positions in a number of housing authorities includ- ing Memphis, Peoria, Oak- land, and Atlanta.
Debra Reyes is Presi- dent and CEO at Neighbor- hood Lending Partners, Inc.
Sul Hemani is Vice President & Senior Branch Sales Leader at BankUnited. Past treasurer of the Leukemia & Lymphoma So- ciety; Vice President of the board of The Centre for Women; trustee on the board of the Drug Abuse Compre- hensive Coordinating Office (DACCO), and chairman of the USF School of Nursing Advisory Board.
Rebecca Snyder is Se- nior Vice President, Strategic Property Partners. Insight Property Group (Partner), Archstone (Development Manager), McWilliams|Bal- lard (Sales Manager), Delta Associates (Senior Associ- ate).
Ernest Coney is CEO of the Corporation to Develop Communities of Tampa. He attended USF.
Harry Hedges is Man- aging Director, H&R Proper-
ties.Peter Leach is Senior Vice President, Southport Fi- nancial Services, Inc.
Yvette Lewis is Presi- dent, NAACP Hillsborough Branch, and NAACP Political Action Chair.
Machelle Maner is Vice President, Community De- velopment for Wells Fargo.
She serves on the Board of Directors of several Non- profit organizations includ- ing the Black Business Initiative Fund, Tampa Bay Community Development Corporation, Minority Enter- prise Development Corpora- tion, Zion International Ministry Missions and Com- puter Mentors.
Jim Weiss is Tampa City President for Fifth Third Bank. He serves on the Tampa Hillsborough EDC’s Board of Directors, the Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce Board of Direc- tors, the Tampa Downtown Partnership Board of Direc- tors, and the National Lender’s Advisory Council for the National Association of Economic Development Companies (NADCO).
Antoinette D. Hayes- Triplett joined the Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Ini- tiative (THHI) as the Chief Executive Officer and chair- person of the Tampa Hills- borough Continuum of Care (CoC) in August 2014. Previ- ously, Antoinette served as a City Planning Executive in the City of St. Louis for 13 years.
Marianne Edmunds
is Senior Managing Director at Public Resources Advisory Group. Prior to founding her firm, she worked as an in- vestment banker and finan- cial advisor to governmental issuers in Florida, beginning in 1982, at William R. Hough & Co. and Smith Barney,
Inc.Pete Edwards is a re- tired drug court counselor. He served on the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council and Children's Board of Hillsborough County.
Darrell Robertson is Chief Relationships Officer for New York Life’s Tampa operations.

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