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   Members Of Legal Community Respond To President Biden’s Pick For Supreme Court
       CARL HAYES ...Attorney-At- Law
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BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
President Joe Biden
stayed true to one of his cam- paign promises – if the oppor- tunity arose, he would appoint an African American female to the Supreme Court.
He did just that on Friday, February 25, 2022, when, with the first African American Fe- male Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris, on the stage with him, he intro- duced Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as his nominee to the Supreme Court. Judge Brown Jackson will replace Justice Stephen Breyer, who an- nounced his retirement.
A justice in the federal ap- pellate court in Washington, D. C., Judge Brown Jackson must be confirmed following a series of hearings by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
The National Bar Associa- tion in its comments on the ap- pointment outlined the path taken for Judge Brown Jack- son to reach this point.
“The signing of the Civil Rights Act. The March on Washington. The Million Man March. Barack Obama win- ning the 2008 Presidential Election. There are some events in Black History that stand out from the rest. Today is one of those days. Americans, Black Americans in particular, will never forget where they were and what they were doing when they found out a Black woman had been nominated to the Supreme Court of the United States,” the press release read.
In the 233-year history of the Supreme Court there has never been an African American woman considered for the high- est bench in the land.
The Sentinel reached out to local attorneys for comments on the Biden appointment.
“It’s a great decision. She is well-quali- fied and is one of us. She should be able to apply the law based upon her knowledge, training and back-
“I believe that Judge Brown, as were all of the other candidates under consideration, is eminently qualified for the U.
BARBARA J. PITTMAN ...Attorney And Counselor At Law
S. Supreme Court and will make an excellent jurist. The statement in her opin- ion regard- ing the case involving the most re- cent former president
It is important historically and equally important because of the new point of view and prospective she would bring the Supreme Court as a former at- torney for the Public Defender’s office. Not since Justice Thur- good Marshall, has the coun- try had a person whose legal experience had been as broad.”
    C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
  that presidents are not kings, will live in infamy and I do not think she could have made that point any clearer.
“My only reservation is that it still appears to some that if an attorney and/or judge did not attend an Ivy League law school that they are "less than" and may not get the consideration that they deserve for a judge- ship because of that and it is way past time that we all moved past that way of thinking.”
“President Biden’s nomi- nation of
Judge Ke- tanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court as the
first African CLINTON PARIS, American ESQUIRE
comes more
than 246 years after the United States was founded and 157 years after the Civil War ended, and serves as a reminder that African Americans remain ex- cluded from many areas of power in our society.
“ The President made this nomination because African Americans are demanding ac- cess to power in exchange for our political loyalty. We must continue to demand America live up to its ideal that all people are equal and this includes African American representa- tion at all levels of society and government. I am elated to bear witness to this great mo- ment in history.”
“In the Cooke, ‘It's been a long time com- ing, but a change is gonna come.’ President Biden's nomination of the first Black Fe- male
words of Sam
NORMAN HARRIS, Esquire Champions For Justice Law
  “The nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson by Presi- dent Biden is a tremendous milestone for female African- American lawyers, es- pecially for 1970’s era attorneys like myself.
appoint a Black Woman to The Court and he delivered - thank you. Not only is she eminently qualified, she has a life experi- ence that will bring tremendous value to the deliberations of our Highest Court. The United States Supreme Court has two black Justices...the Florida Supreme Court has none. Un- fortunately, Florida's leaders do not seem to value diversity for its highest state court. Hope- fully, they will get the message that black jurists matter.
Supreme Court Justice repre- sents change that is not only de- serving of celebration, but is necessary. It is unfortunate that it is not until now, 2022, that our country wit- nesses such a momentous nom- ination.
“Nonetheless, we embrace this moment with pride and grace, recognizing delay is not denial. If confirmed, I trust Judge Ketanji Brown Jack- son will represent the best in- terest of our people and fight for the values and ideals we hold sacred - life, liberty, and justice for all. May Judge Jackson's voice always remind us God sings Soul and soprano, and the melody of God's voice echoes from the U.S. Supreme Court.”
 The Rape Of Ukraine
 e are outraged! Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine was an act of barbarism reminiscent of the Stone Age. However, we are in awe of the many Ukrainians who
have taken up arms to help defend their country against a country that is 28 times larger than its land mass and has more than three times more than its population.
Moreover, we commend the Russian citizens who have been arrested for and continue to protest against Russian’s war against Ukraine. The pride, resolve, commitment, and support of Ukraine citizens are even more awe inspiring, and reminds us of the Biblical battle of David and Goliath.
Ukraine has been inhabited since 32,000 B. C. and is the second largest and most populous country in Europe. It was a key center of Slavic culture. Bordered by Russia, the Black Sea, Moldova, Romania-Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, and Be- larus, Ukraine has withstood long periods of successive inva- sions and domination by Poland – Lithuania, Austria – Hungary, the Ottaman Empire, Russia, and the Union of So- viet Socialist Republic (USSR).
Ukraine experienced a brief period of independence in 1918-1920 and became part of the USSR until it claimed sov- ereignty on July 16, 1990, and independence on August 24, 1991. Ukraine then established a partnership with the Com- monwealth of Independent States (CIS), a regional intergov- ernmental organization in Eastern Europe and Asia, formed following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. The CIS has nine member countries that include Russia. A partner- ship with NATO was formed in 1994.
Recently, Vladimir Putin, President of Russia (2000- 2008, 2012-present) called Ukraine a “bogus country with no history, identity or stable traditions of real statehood.” Putin says, “Ukraine should not become a member of the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), and “is a Neo-Nazi Na- tion.”
Obviously, he failed History and does not know that 400,000 or more Jews have lived in the Ukraine since the 9th century, making it the third largest Jewish community in Eu- rope, and the fifth largest in the world. Its leadership is pre- dominantly Jewish. The world can see that Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine is a bullying tactic, plain and simple. Clearly, Russia is and was the unprovoked aggressor against the Ukraine.
We can begin to help the Ukrainians by cutting our use of gasoline by at least half and stop buying Russian vodka. We buy 555,845 gallons of vodka ($41 million), and 254,162,000 barrels of oil (@ $11 billion). Though not earth shaking, every dollar counts; especially for mindless bullies.
The world is watching Russian aggression and has finally decided to stand against the blatant rape of a fellow nation. President Putin, you shall not win. The spirits of history and justice will defeat you.
 “I am so happy
that a quali- fied and his- toric nomina- tion was made to the United States Supreme Court by President Biden. He promised to

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