Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 7-2-19
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General Hospital: Jason and Sam reconnect. Chase expresses his concerns. Mac works his magic. Carly suffers a sleepless night. Finn sympathizes with Chase. TJ shares his findings from a DNA search.
Franco worries about Cameron. Alexis is caught off-guard. Josslyn gets an invitation.
The Bold & The Beautiful: Who will spill? Will Thomas get Hope to the altar? Will Dr. Buckingham return? Flo and Wyatt cele- brate after deciding to move in together. After drugging Liam, Thomas uses the situation to his advantage with Hope.
Liam awakens and recalls his actions. Thomas tells Douglas his next step with Hope. Vinnie, Thomas’ friend who supplied him with drugs, returns. Liam comes clean to Hope about his night with Steffy. Steffy confronts her brother about his plan to come between Liam and Hope.
The Young & The Restless: Abby anticipates bad news, and Phyllis has a startling revelation about Kevin. Devon gets some closure where Hilary is concerned. There’s an unexpected visitor at Adam’s penthouse. Chelsea’s husband, Calvin Boudreau, arrives in Genoa City. Kyle strives to make a good impression on Celeste.
Victor has a surprise for the Newman family. Victoria plans to get revenge.
Days Of Our Lives: Unhinged Claire holds Ciara hostage. Ben, Marlena, and Hope desperately try to find Claire and Ciara. Ted in- forms Kate he has a plan to get rescued already in place. Eve confronts Jack when she realizes he’s been hiding something from her. Marlena tries to get through to Claire. Eric makes a shocking discovery. Guilt- ridden Belle and Shawn try to console Claire. Ciara, John, and Marlena are furious when they learn Eve knew the truth about Claire. Rex sug- gests he and Sarah revive a beloved family tradition.
Pictures From The Past
       ‘AMERICA’S GOT TALENT’ AUDITIONS, 2014 – Kaitlynn Jones auditioned for a spot on the show.
    ‘AMERICA’S GOT TALENT’ AUDI- TIONS, 2014 – Tony Johnson dressed to impress the judges with his talent.
‘AMERICA’S GOT TALENT’ AUDITIONS, 2014 – Brandon Humphrey tried out for a singing position.
‘AMERICA’S GOT TALENT’ AUDITIONS, 2014 – Tamara Hottendon hoped for an oppor- tunity to appear on the show.
 ‘AMERICA’S GOT TALENT’ AUDITIONS, 2014 – Tyler Pace, Andre Butler and Jermaine Jones, known as ISDC Dancers, auditioned for the show at the Tampa Convention Center.
   ‘AMERICA’S GOT TALENT’ AUDITIONS, 2014 – Ernest An- derson, Dion Byrd and Frederick Battles, were among those at the Tampa Convention Center trying for an opportunity to ap- pear on the show.
  ‘AMERICA’S GOT TALENT’ AUDITIONS, 2014 – Invision was one of the groups that auditioned.
  Cancer (June 21-July 22): This is the only New Moon in your sign all year, which means it's a perfect time to ask yourself what you can do to improve the image you create on your world. Wardrobe pur- chases? Hairdo? Glasses? Ideas?
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): The New Moon is taking place in a hid- den part of your chart which is why you might be pensive. It's a good day to ask yourself how you might undermine yourself. In what ways are you your worst enemy? What behavior patterns do you have that are self-defeating? (We all have them.).
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): The New Moon is your chance to think about the role that friends, clubs, and organizations play in your life. Are you happy with the friends you have? Do you reach out to oth- ers or do you expect them to come to you? Are the people you're spend- ing time with the people you want to be with?
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): The New Moon is at the top of your chart and this is the only day all year this occurs. That means it's time take stock and ponder your life direction. Check out your attitude to authority figures like your boss, the police, courts, the government or your parents. Well?
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): What further education would en- rich your life and improve your job skills? Likewise, what travel might you do that could make you happier and make you feel more fulfilled? How can you expand your world?
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): This is one of the best days of the year to think about reducing your debt; and how you can best deal with the wealth and resources of others - this includes credit card debt, shared property, taxes, insurance issues and inheritances. Ideas?
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The New Moon takes place in your House of Partnerships and Relationships, which is why this is a perfect day to think about this. Subconsciously, we seek out the very people who confirm our beliefs about relationships. What are your be- liefs? What happens when you're in the relationship?
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): This is one of the best days of the year to think about what you can do to improve your job and how you do your job; and also, what you can do to improve your health. These are two important areas of your life. This New Moon might also pro- voke ideas about pets.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): It's important to balance work at home and on our jobs with an element of play and relaxation. Do you feel you have a healthy balance of work and play in your life? Today's New Moon is the best day to think about this. How often do you express your creativity?
Aries (March 21-April 19): This New Moon is the perfect day to think how to improve your relations with family members; and also, what can you do to improve where you live? This is the only New Moon all year that encourages these resolutions.
Taurus (April 20-May 20): Each New Moon is a chance to make resolutions. Today's New Moon urges you to observe your style of communicating. Are you a clear communicator? Do people under- stand you? When others are talking, do you really listen to them?
Gemini (May 21-June 20): This New Moon is about your rela- tionship to money. Is your attitude, "Easy come, easy go?" Do you think money is the root of all evil? Our attitude to something influences how it manifests in our life. Think about this.
  ‘AMERICA’S GOT TALENT AUDI- TIONS, 2014 – Fred Collon hoped his guitar talent would earn him a spot on the show.
  ‘AMERICA’S GOT TALENT’ AUDI- TIONS, 2014 – Singer, Annetda Henry had a friend who joined her for the au- ditions.

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