Page 13 - Florida Sentinel 2-28-20
P. 13

    State Senator Arthenia L. Joyner To Receive Distinguished Leadership Award
 The Black Law Students Associa- tion (BLSA) at Western Michigan University Cooley Law School’s Tampa Bay campus will honor Florida State Senator Arthenia L. Joyner (2006-2016) with the 2020 Distinguished Leadership Honoree at its Annual Black Tie Ball. The ball will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn, 10309 Highland Manor Drive, Tampa, on March 7. Tickets are available by contacting mannb-
“Joyner is a dynamic individual whose personal life is a chronicle of the struggle for equal justice. She has not just lived history, she has made history,” said WMU-Cooley Professor Renalia DuBose, who also serves as the BLSA adviser.
Joyner, of counsel at Vanguard
Attorneys in Tampa, practices in the area of personal injury. She is a graduate of Florida A&M University College of Law, where she was Florida’s fifth Black female lawyer, the first Black female lawyer in Hillsborough County, the first Black lawyer in Polk County, the first Black female lawyer to serve on the board of the Hillsborough County Bar Association, the first Black ap- pointed by Governor Lawton Chiles to the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority, the first Black woman appointed to the Board of Directors of the Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce, the first Black female State Representative and State Senator elected from Tampa, the first Black female lawyer in the Florida Senate, and the first
Black female to lead the Senate Democratic Caucus. Joyner has practiced law for 50 years, longer than any Black woman in the history of Florida.
During WMU-Cooley’s 2019 Bar- risters Ball, BLSA was recipient of the “Organization of the Year” award because of its community involve- ment and events held on campus. The chapter was chartered in June 2013 as an affiliate of the National Black Law Students Association.
Past distinguished leadership honorees include Senior Judge Perry Little of the 13th Judicial Circuit Court, Attorney Theda James (retired senior legal counsel for the 13th District Public De- fender), and Attorney Warren Dawson.
        Black History Concert Honors Local Gospel Legends
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
The Tampa Bay Youth & Young Adult Mass Choir (TBY&YAMC) is honoring Legendary Gospel Singers from around the Tampa Bay Area as part of their Black History Month celebration.
“We are grateful that God has given us another opportunity to cel-
ebrate these iconic figures in the Tampa Bay Gospel Community!,” stated Minister Larenz John- son, Founder and President of the Choir.
“It is our goal to continue to bridge the generational Gap between legendary Singers and the future Gospel Music! Many of our honorees are unsung heroes and heroines of the community -- teaching and
training singers, musicians and more across the country. They have all helped to transform music min- istries across the country and we are grateful to honor them for their con- tributions,” Johnson continued.
Honorees are: Alberta Jack- son, Elvira Pinder, Geraldine Nunn, Geraldine Watlington, Gloria Pendleton, Carlton Brown, William “Billy”
Wheeler, and Anthony “Butch” Pryor.
The program is being held Satur- day, February 29, 2020, 6 p. m., at the New Mt. Zion M. B. Church, 2511 E. Columbus Dr. (33605).
Themed “The Good Ole Days, Tampa Edition,” the concert will fea- ture combined choirs of the Tampa Bay Chapter of the Gospel Music Workshop of America.

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