Page 15 - Florida Sentinel 2-28-20
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Iva B. Carter To Be Honored At 2020 MTAT Luncheon
Gamma Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, will honor Mrs. Iva B. Carter as their 2020 Miss Teenage Tampa Appreciation Luncheon Honoree at the DoubleTree Hotel, 4500 West Cypress Street, on Sat- urday, March 7, 2020 at 11 a. m.
Mrs. Carter has given unselfishly of herself to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incor- porated. Her commitment of service to all mankind is in- dicative in her willingness to work and lead. As an Alpha Kappa Alpha woman, Iva is a Life Member and Silver Star of 33 years in the sorority. Within Gamma Theta Omega Chapter, she is a longtime CAPper and Brick donor and served as Secretary, a Finan- cial Officer for 8 years, Ivy
Leaf Reporter, Historian and Chaplain.
GTO Chairmanships in- clude: Budget and Finance, Fall Activity, GTO Chorus, HBCU, History, Miss Teenage Tampa Program and Script, Miss Teenage Tampa Tabulation and Sisterly Rela- tions. She also significantly served as the Administrative Assistant for Ms. Marsha Lewis Brown during her 4- year term as South Atlantic Regional Director for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incor- porated.
Mrs. Carter is a native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana where she was raised by the late Bobby M. Brown, Sr. and Annie B. Brown as the oldest of four siblings. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Southern University in 1988 with a B. S. in Computer
Science. It was also at South- ern University where she joined Beta Psi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, in the spring of 1987. This was followed by
earning a M. S. in Computer Science from Howard Uni- versity in Washington, D. C. in 1990.
Mrs. Carter is currently a Senior IT Project Manager for Hillsborough County Gov- ernment. She has also served as a Software Developer and Technical Project Manager for IBM and IT Project Direc- tor for the New York Times Regional Newspaper.
She is married to Frank Carter, Jr. and the proud mother of two sons, Frank Carter, III, a graduate of Jackson State University, and Zachary Carter, who cur- rently attends the University of Florida.
Mrs. Carter is an active member of First M. B. Church of Highland Pines, where Reverend Cleve- land Lane is Pastor. In addi-
tion to leading or serving the Youth Ministry and teaching Sunday School for over 23 years, she preached her first sermon on Mother’s Day 2018 to become a licensed Minister. A little over a year later, she enrolled in Semi- nary School to pursue a Mas- ter of Divinity Degree.
You can call her a wife, mother, daughter, sister, ser- vant leader, volunteer, friend, etc., but most importantly Iva is a Child of God. She firmly believes in viewing life through God’s eyes, and not her eyes.
Mrs. Carter truly has a heart that is loyal and true and a fellowship that is sin- cere and rare with a kind and gentle spirit that will always be there.
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