Page 32 - Florida Sentinel 2-28-20
P. 32

Memoriams Crime
      Self-Inflicted Gunshot Leaves Robbery Suspect Critical
 A robbery suspect police had been searching for was admitted to a local hospital in critical con- dition. Police said he shot him- self following a chase early Wednesday.
According to the Tampa Police Department, police were noti- fied that 45-year-old Rashad Hill had been spotted in the area of Tampa International Air- port late Tuesday. He was re- portedly driving a 1999 4-door Lexus and he was reportedly still armed.
Police were looking for Hill in connection with an armed rob- bery at the Noor Meat Market, (formerly Bob’s Market), 5606 N. 40th Street. The robbery had taken place Sunday evening, and Hill was listed as being armed and dangerous. A warrant had been issued for his arrest, police said.
Tuesday night, police observed the vehicle Hill was driving as it was exiting airport property. Of- ficers in street clothes and driv- ing an unmarked car deployed stop sticks that flattened one tire on the vehicle. Hill continued to
drive and Air Service began sur- veillance on the vehicle.
When it reached the intersec- tion of E. Hillsborough Avenue and N. Armenia Avenue, police again used stop sticks to flatten another tire on the vehicle.
Hill continued to drive with two flat tires. When he reached the intersection of N. 42nd Street and E. Idlewild, Hill began driving aggressively, po- lice said.
Officers initiated a pursuit that ended when the Lexus struck a police vehicle at the in-
tersection of Idlewild and N. 48th Street.
Hill remained in the vehicle despite orders from the police to get out. Officers approached the vehicle and discovered that Hill was suffering from an appar- ently self-inflicted gunshot wound.
They also discovered a gun in- side the vehicle as they removed Hill. Hill was transported to a local hospital and was admitted in critical condition.
Sources in the community stated that Hill was responsible for the death of the woman whose body was found in a vehi- cle Monday at the intersection of N. 43rd Street and E. Fern Av- enue.
Sources also told the Sentinel that the body of a man was in the trunk of the car where the woman was found. A spokesman for Tampa Police said police did not find a second body in the trunk of the vehicle.
However, police have not of- ficially linked Hill to the mur- der. The investigation is continuing.
     EUNICE F. FLOYD 3/1/1924 --- 3/7/2015
The day you left and gained your wings, our hearts just broke in two. We wish you could have stayed with us, but Heaven needed you.
You left us with memories and we love you still, no matter how much time goes by, we always will.
Love, your husband, children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.
  Man Faces Several Charges After Police Chase
  Police arrested a 43-year-old Tampa man Monday following a chase. The man is now facing several charges.
According to Tampa Police, officers were notified of a stolen 2000 4-door Toyota Avalon, possibly in the area of Waters and I-275, shortly after 4 p.m., Monday.
The officers located the ve- hicle near N. 19th Street and E. Sligh Avenue, and attempted to perform a traffic stop. However, the driver of the car, later iden- tified as Maurice Antonio Fryson, fled the stop at a high rate of speed. He drove east- bound on E. Flora Street, and continued southbound on N. Nebraska Avenue.
As officers attempted to stop the vehicle, they were in- formed that the vehicle matched the description of a vehicle used
in robberies in both Temple Ter- race and Hillsborough County.
As he sped away, the driver of the vehicle struck a Toyota Tacoma and crashed into a Chevy Suburban driven by an off-duty Colonel with the Hills- borough County Sheriff’s Office. No injuries were reported to po- lice.
After striking the Suburban, Fryson reportedly jumped out of the vehicle on N. Tampa Street. He was taken into cus- tody at I-275 and Tampa Street.
Fryson is facing several charges including 2 counts of robbery, fleeing to elude, leaving the scene of an accident involv- ing property damage, and resist- ing arrest without violence.
     GREGORY D. MOBLEY October 8, 1954- February 29, 2016
We thought of you today, but that is nothing new; we thought about you yester- day, and days bef0re that, too.
We think of you in si- lence, we often speak your name; now all we have are memories, and your pic- ture in a frame.
Your memory is our keepsake, with which We’ll never part; God has you in His keeping, we have you in our hearts.
Love and missing you, wife, Colette Mitchell-Mob- ley; mother, Mamie Sims; and family.
  Love is 14, 19, 28, 38 the only force 3, 10, 40, 43 capable of transforming 12, 20, 23, 24 an enemy into friend. 18, 50, 54, 60

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