Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 1-21-20
P. 11
USF Activities Will Celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Community service, luncheon and inspiring lec- ture honor MLK
The University of South Florida’s annual celebration of the life and values of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. will honor his vision with community service, a lunch- eon and a lecture, with events that started Saturday, Jan. 18.
USF’s Stampede of Ser- vice event kicked off the MLK 2020 celebration with hundreds of students volun- teering for community serv- ice projects at various sites across the Tampa Bay re- gion, including Metropolitan Ministries, Seminole
Heights Community Garden and the University Area CDC.
Students experienced the power and reward of con- tributing time and labor to the surrounding community with projects involving cleanup, painting, mulching, kitchen work and more on Saturday, Jan. 18 through Tuesday, Jan. 21.
The theme of this year’s MLK Dedication Luncheon, scheduled for noon on Fri- day, Jan. 24 in the Marshall Student Center Ballroom, is “Re-imagining the Future.”
The event features keynote speaker Fai Howard, assistant dean in the USF Department of Un-
LINDSAY PEOPLES WAGNER ...Editor-In-Chief, Teen Vogue ...Lecture Series Guest
dergraduate Studies, a schol- arship presentation and a performance by the Gospel Choir at USF. This program is free and open to the pub-
lic with a reservation.
The student-run Uni- versity Lecture Series will close the MLK cele- bration with Lindsay Peoples Wagner at 8 p. m. on Tuesday, Jan. 28 in the Marshall Student Center Oval Theater.
Wagner is the only Black editor-in-chief at a major U. S. publication, Teen Vogue. Organizers ex- pect her to address the audi- ence about what it’s like to be Black and work in fash- ion, focusing her message on intersecting style, politics and culture, while providing a fresh perspective on ac- tivism.
The lecture is free and
open to the public on a lim- ited first-come, first-served basis following priority seat- ing for USF students. Doors open approximately 30 min- utes before the lecture start time.
Reasonable accommoda- tions can be requested by calling 813-974-1001 (FL Relay 711).
For more information about the lecture series, in- cluding the audience policy, visit the ULS website.
The USF Tampa campus is home to the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Plaza, fea- turing a bust of King and portions of his famous, “I Have a Dream” speech in- scribed in granite.