Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 3-3-20
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‘My Story Might Have Turned Out Very Differently If I Had Been Black’
Mike Bloomberg to push $70 Billion invest- ment in Black Communi- ties
Tulsa, Oklahoma --- Dem- ocratic Presidential Candi- date Mike Bloomberg has a problem with the systematic racism and societal bias that has kept Black America from achieving the economic eq- uity. And he is the only pres- idential candidate to confront the issue with a proposal to address one of the nations’ most prevalent dilemmas.
Bloomberg’s belief that the wall of discrimination has kept Black America from building generational wealth was reinforced when he vis- ited remnants of the little- known Black Wall Street Massacre site in Tulsa, Okla- homa. It was more evidence of America’s dark history. So, Bloomberg unveiled his Greenwood Initiative that will bring about economic justice to Black Americans at a time when it is essential.
He personally reflected on the enduring legacy of racial discrimination — crystallized by the unbelievable statistic that the typical Black family owns one-tenth the wealth of the typical white family. He acknowledges that biased policies in the financial, crim- inal justice, and Electoral Voting Systems have stood as concrete barriers for many Black Americans for far too long, and that the impact of discrimination over centuries
borhoods. Bloomberg has a solid record of philanthropic programs that have changed the lives of people of color.
In Florida, Mike’s plans continue to draw support and
endorsements from promi- nent Black lawmakers, in- cluding Florida House Minority Leader Kionne McGhee, State Senator Darryl Rouson, Pinellas
County Commissioner Ken Welch, Jacksonville Council member Reggie Gaffney and West Palm Beach Mayor Keith James.
has meant an enormous loss of wealth for generations.
“As someone who has been very lucky in life, I often say my story would only have been possible in America – and that’s true. But, I also know that my story might have turned out very differ- ently if I had been Black, and that more Black Americans of my generation would have ended up with far more wealth, had they been white,” said Mike Bloomberg.
“Instead, they have had to struggle to overcome great odds, because their families started out further behind, and excluded from opportu- nities – in housing, employ- ment, education, and other areas.”
Mike’s plan, the Green- wood Initiative, lays out a path to create more than 1 million new Black homeown- ers and 100,000 new Black- owned businesses in the next decade. As President, he has committed to investing $70 billion in the country’s 100 most disadvantaged neigh-
Help Is Here!
The City of Tampa in conjunction with Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) and Tampa Hillsborough Action Plan (THAP) Group, will host an event to assist households with Security/Utility Deposits, Rental Arrears, including eviction fees and mortgage payments.
The event will be held on Saturday, March 7, 2020, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m., at the Tampa Hillsborough Action Plan, Inc., 5508 N. 50th St., Tampa (33610).
Several documents are necessary for consideration. For additional information, please call, (813) 274-7954.