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Political News
Winning South Carolina, Biden Makes Case Against Sanders: ‘Win Big Or Lose’
The C. D. C. Warned Americans To Begin Preparing For The Possibility Of A Coronavirus Outbreak: 'This Might Be Bad '
Americans should brace for the likelihood that the coron- avirus will spread to communi- ties in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned Tues- day.
“It’s not so much of a ques- tion of if this will happen in this country anymore but a question of when this will hap- pen,” said Dr. Nancy Mes- sonnier, director of the National Center for Immuniza- tion and Respiratory Diseases.
President Trump, in India, said that the United States was well able to protect itself against the spread of the coronavirus and offered an op- timistic outlook.
“I think the whole situation will start working out,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference.
But his own health officials were not so upbeat. Dr. Mes- sonnier said that public health officials have no idea whether the spread of the dis- ease to the United States would be mild or severe, but that
Americans should be ready for a significant disruption to their daily lives.
“We are asking the Ameri- can public to prepare for the expectation that this might be bad,” Dr. Messonnier said.
The secretary of health and human services delivered an equally sobering message on Tuesday. The secretary, Alex M. Azar II, told a Senate committee, “This is an un- precedented, potentially se- vere health challenge globally.”
“We cannot hermetically seal off the United States to a virus,” Mr. Azar said. “And we need to be realistic about that.”
Federal and local health de- partments will need as many as 300 million masks for health care workers and addi- tional ventilators for hospitals to prepare for a major out- break of the coronavirus, he said. On Monday, the Trump administration requested $2.5 billion to help stop the spread of the virus.
COLUMBIA, S.C. – Joe Biden got the win he needed Saturday night – resurrecting a Democratic White House bid that likely would have collapsed if the former vice president hadn’t won South Carolina's first-in-the-South presidential primary.
After poor fourth- and fifth-place finishes in Iowa’s caucuses and New Hamp- shire’s primary, followed by a distant second-place showing last weekend in Nevada’s caucuses behind rival Sen.
the once-unrivaled front- runner in the Democratic race to take on President Trump in November -- greeted a crowd of energized supporters at his victory cele- bration in South Carolina’s capital city.
“Just days ago the press and the pundits declared this candidacy dead," he said. "Now, thanks to all of you, the heart of the Democratic Party, we just won -- and we won big. We are very much alive."
Bernie Sanders, Biden --
PeteButtigieg AndTomSteyerEndCampaigns
After Biden Wins South Carolina Primary
Saying that "the path has narrowed to a close," former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg with his hus- band announced Sunday night that he is suspending his 2020 presidential campaign.
At this point in the race, the best way to keep faith with those goals and ideals is to step aside and help bring our party and our country together," Buttigieg told supporters.
Billionaire and environ- mental activist Tom Steyer ended his presidential bid Sat- urday, after what appeared to be a third-place finish in South Carolina's Democratic presi- dential primary.
Steyer made the an- nouncement during his post- primary rally in South Carolina and told voters he no longer sees a viable path forward to
winning the White House. "We were disappointed with where we came out. I think we got one or two dele- gates from congressional dis- tricts, which I thank South Carolina for," he said. "But I said if I didn't see a path to winning, that I'd suspend my campaign. And honestly, I can't see a path where I can
win the presidency."
Steyer promised to remain
involved in political issues across the country and said any one of the Democratic can- didates for president would be better than President Trump. He also took a shot at Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican from South Car- olina.
Brown, Senate Democrats Press Upstart, Following Reports Of Higher Interest Rates For Students
Of Minority-Serving Institutions
WASHINGTON — Sen- ator Sherrod Brown (D- OH), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, and Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Kamala Harris (D-CA) pressed Up- start and other lenders and service providers for answers following a report from the nonprofit Student Borrower Protection Center that lenders may be charging higher inter- est rates to students who grad- uated from Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Hispanic-Serving Institutions.
“The report found that a graduate of Howard Univer- sity, an HBCU, would be charged $3,499 more over the life of five-year loan than a
similarly situated graduate of New York University. Based on the racial demographics at these schools, these findings raise serious concerns that Up- start’s use of educational data may have a disparate impact on borrowers of color,” the Senators wrote.
The Senators’ letter points to past concerns from regula- tors about the use of educa- tional data to make credit decisions and calls on lenders to ensure that their underwrit- ing practices comply with fair lending laws. The Senators pressed Upstart and lenders for answers to their questions by Feb. 27.