Page 17 - Florida Sentinel 7-9-21
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 Library News
  Family Summer Reading: Tails and Tales: “Summer Reading Challenge,” 2021 Summer Reading Program, 6/01/2021 - 8/06/2021,
 Bruton Memorial Library
All ages are encouraged to join Bruton Memorial Library for the Summer Reading Challenge, Tails and Tales! Go on a reading adventure to earn prizes and a chance to win a grand prize!
Gallery @ 2607 Presents: Mike King’s Florida, 6/1/21 – 8/1/21 * C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. Library
Mike King is a versatile artist skilled in both traditional and modern art forms. He specializes in watercolor portraits, landscapes, and seascapes. King has a special affinity for de- picting Florida scenes of daily life. His vision of Florida is of a place where people celebrate the little things in life and relax in nature.
Online Events
Trivia Night: 90’s, 7/16/2021, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM. Reg- ister for this event. | Recommended for adults and teens. Test your knowledge of books, movies, and pop culture in this vir- tual trivia night! The theme for this trivia night is the '90s. Form a team or play solo. Prizes will be awarded to winning teams. For a chance to win a prize, please provide your address in the registration.
Story Time, Baby Time, Toddler Time, Tech Help Topics and more.
For more information and to register please visit the library website: Download activities the whole fam- ily can enjoy at This month is in- spired by all things Olympics.
For more classes and events at a library near you, call 813- 273-3652 or go to website
      July Birthday Celebrants
Happy Birthday to past and present Villagers cele- brating this month. Shelly Gainous, 7/4; Bruce Satchell, Mary Ingram, and Ronnie Vann, 7/5; Victoria Brown, 7/6; An- gela Rivers-Williams and Elsie McArthur, 7/7; Crystal Bell Sanders, 7/8; Michael Allen, 7/9; Jeff Key and James Reese, Jr., 7/10; Jackie Davis Mix, 7/12; Ronald Brooks and Eric Burns, 7/13; Harold Williams ,7/16; Wanda Key and Glenda Burns, 7/17; Willie Burns, Sr. and Shontae Walker, 7/19; Hilrie Kemp, 7/23; Keith Hernandez, 7/25; and Glo- ria Hall, 7/26.
Sick And Shut-Ins
Lifting up our fellow Vil- lagers and friends in prayer: Mary Hobley, Marion Washington (Bristol Rehab), Gwendola Small, Hilrie Kemp, Jr., Clennie McCray, Elouise Griffin, Catherine Clark, Nina Small, Rudolph Tol- bert, Henrietta Sanders, Willie Hill, Hewitt Smith,
Washington Rehab), James (Fish) Miller, Florence Owens, Al Wright, Emma Thomas, Ruth Brown
Return To The Pavilion
First Baptist Church of Progress Village will return to in-person services, beginning Sunday, July 11th at 10 a. m. Streaming services will also be available.
Back to School Events Save the Date
Lamb Elementary – July 31st, 9 a. m.-1 p. m. * FBCOPV – July 31st 10 a. m.
Loss Support Ministry
If you have lost a loved one, come join us virtually to talk or just listen. We are here for you if you’ve lost a loved one, your job, your re- lationship, etc. Meetings are held on Thursdays from 7:30-8:30 p. m. Call 813-677- 1948 or contact minbur- for dial in information.
Prayer Line In The Upper Room
Morning Glory Prayer and Praise Time, 9:30 a. m. – 10:30 a. m. Every Monday, (701) 802-5039, Access code 5131217.
Call your news for Progress Village and sur- rounding areas to Linda Washington, (813) 741- 3604.
 Anderson McArthur.
and Elsie
Of Sympathy
May and June were months of life celebrations for the Progress Village fam- ily. Continue to remember the families of Connetra (CoCo) Mitchell, Keith Copeland, Rodney Siplin, Darold Williams, and Jalil Malik.
“Remembering our loved ones.”
COVID-19 Vaccine Information
For additional informa- tion, go to: https://www.hillsborough- county .org/en/resi- dents/publicsafety/covid-19- vaccine.
Victory A. M. E. Church Free Produce
Free produce is available every Saturday, 11 a. m. – 12:30 p. m., at Victory A. M. E. Church, 5202 S. 86th St.

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