Page 18 - Florida Sentinel 7-9-21
P. 18

Right now, we are dealing with a seemingly endless pile of stressors: A global pan- demic, financial crisis, and the eruption of outrage to- wards deep-rooted institu- tional racism, which has compounded us with com- plex emotions and hit our physical, emotional, and mental health.
While there’s much work to do on a larger scale, take a moment this week to tend to your mental health so that you have the energy to do the important work of repairing our world.
Here are six stress man- agement tips from meQuilib- rium Chief Medical Officer Dr. Adam Perlman and Chief Science Officer Dr. Andrew Shatté, for imme- diate stress management.
1. Know the Signs
Rising anger, sadness, or anxiety, difficulty focusing and concentrating, problems sleeping, and increased irri- tability and fatigue are all signs that your mental health might need attention. When you know what to look for you can take steps to ease these symptoms before they derail you.
Practice observing your thoughts to become aware of the ongoing ticker tape of
thoughts rolling through your head. Note which thoughts are serving you and which are draining your energy. Try not to judge whatever comes up— troubling thoughts and emo- tions are natural. Just simply notice and acknowledge, giv- ing each thought space to be heard and felt.
2. Access Your EAP
Take a look at the benefits available through your Human Resources Depart- ment and the Employee As-
sistance Program before things feel hard and hopeless, says Dr. Perlman. Most offer a variety of confidential care options that you can ac- cess for free. Start by taking a look at the website and read- ing up on relevant informa- tion and then access what you need.
3. Get Grounded
Tuning into what’s tangi- ble in the present moment can keep our emotions from taking control, says Melody Wilding, a licensed social worker. Start by clenching and releasing your fists, says Wilding, or consciously relax your hips into the cor- ners of your chair, or try other mindfulness-based practices like breathing deeply with attention on each breath.
4. Take a Break
Take regular breaks
throughout the day to discon- nect and relax, even just for a moment. Do a three-minute mindfulness practice at your desk, go for a walk on your lunch hour, or call a friend or family member. A short guided imagery exercise can also help you ease and unload feelings of anxiety and de- pression, Dr. Perlman says, and diffuse the stress that can chip away at our mental health.
5. Eat, Sleep, Repeat
Physical stress can inten- sify mental strain and disrupt sleep. So when you’re feeling under pressure, make sure you eat nutritious meals, stick to a sleep routine, and drink plenty of water. Even mild dehydration can cause fatigue, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and mood fluctuations.
6. Talk to Someone
When mental health is- sues are making it hard for you to get the job done and connect with the people and things you care about, says Dr. Shatté, it’s a good time to reach out for help, starting with your EAP representa- tives. You can also check in with your doctor and a men- tal health therapist to get support and tools that can help you manage the day-to- day.
The stress we are feeling is a normal reaction and is warranted. The key, Dr. Shatté says, is to recognize the symptoms and triggers that impact you and then find a few approaches that can help you manage.

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