Page 8 - Florida Sentinel 1-24-20
P. 8
BY KENYA WOODARD Sentinel Feature Writer
After a months-long search, Hillsborough County Public Schools has a new su- perintendent.
Board members on Tues- day unanimously selected Addison Davis as the new leader of the country’s sev- enth-largest school district, making the first time in decades that an outsider takes on the job. He replaces Jeff Eakins, a longtime dis- trict employee who an- nounced his retirement last summer.
Davis, the current su- perintendent for Clay County District Schools, will assume the position in June. He was one of three finalists for the top spot, along with Peter Licata, regional superin- tendent for Palm Beach County Schools; and Don Haddad, superintendent of the St. Vrain Valley School District in Colorado.
In his final interview be- fore the board, Davis an- swered questions about budget priorities, district growth, and its eight turn- around schools.
On the latter, Davis sug-
ADDISON DAVIS ...New Superintendent of Schools
gested hiring specialists and “highly qualified” teachers and support them with “ro- bust” professional develop- ment. And reaching out to community and inviting it to be at the table also is impor- tant, he said.
“We cannot do this in isolation,” he said. “We have got to figure out what is actu- ally going on outside of the schoolhouse. We focused on teacher and learning, focus on school improvement, but we have to focus on what's happening in the home.”
In his final pitch, Davis said school improvement has been a top priority through-
...To Retire, July 1, 2020
out his career and that Hills- borough’s challenges – low literacy rates among third graders, schools with declin- ing grades, dozens at risk of not graduating – motivate him to come aboard.
“I stand before you today as a leader ready to take bold and courageous decisions on behalf of children to really create an opportunity for children and prepare them for jobs that do not exist today,” he said. “I stand be- fore you ready to transform the instructional practices and support teachers every single day where they feel empowered, where they have a voice, and they feel that their arms are wrapped around them from the dis- trict level and they under- stand we are on the same page.”
In her remarks, board
member Tamara Sham- burger admitted she was “deeply impressed” with Haddad’s command of the job, but welcomed Davis in his new role.
“In order for our schools to succeed there must be unity through and through, including on this school board,” she said. “For that reason, I stand with my school board members in the decision that has been made today.”
Dr. Karen Perez also extended Davis congratula- tions, but not before warning him that she would “hold his feet to the fire” on improving student’s mental and social wellbeing and their safety.
“I want to remind you that starting today, accounta- bility begins for our students' success,” she said.
Board chair Melissa Snively congratulated Davis, saying that she and other board members looked forward to “building trust” with him and the public.
“When we have the trust of the public and the deci- sions, the difficult decisions that we have to make for our students, that we can clear a path,” she said. “We can clear a path and we can get things accomplished together for the benefit of our students.”
After his selection, Davis apologized to board members in advance for the emails he will send them at
“two or three in the morning” but that it’s part of the process of working “hard and intentionally to make certain that everything that we do is on behalf of children.”
“Thank you so much for your trust in me,” he said. “I look forward to doing great things with each of you.”
What’s Next?
Hillsborough County School Board members will vote on Addison Davis’s contract at its Feb. 18 meet- ing. That contract will spell out his salary and official starting date.
School Board Unanimously Selects New Superintendent