Page 9 - Florida Sentinel 8-2-19
P. 9
Christian Academy Receives National Accreditation Status
The National Accredita- tion Commission for Early Care and Education Pro- grams has awarded King’s Kids Christian Academy of Tampa, Inc., with accredita- tion.
The school was founded by Bishop Thomas and Marva Scott. Over the years, the curriculum focus has remained on moral char- acter development, as well as supporting children’s mas- tery of the necessary founda- tional skills that lead to success in school.
As an accredited center, King’s Kids Christian Acad- emy, has been recognized as an early care and education program exemplifying excel- lence in care of young chil- dren. By achieving accreditation King’s Kids Christian Academy, Inc. pro- vides a high quality program for children, professional de- velopment opportunities for staff, and an environment for children that is conducive to their individual growth and development that ex-
ceeds state licensing require- ments.
The accreditation process included a self-study process in which administrators, staff, and parents evaluated the program in accordance with Accreditation Stan- dards. After the self-study process was complete, an on- site observation was con- ducted at King’s Kids Christian Academy of Tampa, Inc. by an early childhood professional.
Based on the information collected, King’s Kids Chris- tian Academy of Tampa, Inc. was awarded accreditation through the National Ac- creditation Commission for Early Care and Education. All parents, staff members, and administrators at King’s Kids Christian Academy of Tampa, Inc. are to be con- gratulated for achieving this level of excellence.
King’s Kids Christian Academy shares partner- ships with several commu- nity organizations. To address the community’s
need for high quality early childhood services to fami- lies, King’s Kids Christian Academy of Tampa, Inc. has also partnered with the Early
Learning Coalition to offer child care services to infants, and children up to age 5. School Readiness, Step-up and VPK vouchers are wel- come.
To place an extra aware- ness on the importance of parents reading to their chil- dren, King’s Kids has part- nered with Hillsborough Community College’s Con- scious Discipline Project. This partnership also has provided materials and sup- port staff to King’s Kids’ teachers.
Bethesda Ministries pro- vides families with home safety strategies to reduce unintentional injuries in children, birth to eight years of age. Bethesda’s Child Safe Project is funded by the Hillsborough County Chil- dren’s Board. Additional,
families are provided with holiday baskets and have ac- cess to a food pantry.
King’s Kids Christian Academy is also an Early Head Start Center, in part- nership with Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start Department.
The Early Head Start partnership supports fami- lies who would not otherwise be able to afford quality early childhood services.
King’s Kids Christian Academy of Tampa, Inc., a 35-year-old educational in- stitution for young children will begin its Fall School year, August 12th. Registra- tion is currently being taken for children ages, 6 weeks to Kindergarten.
The hours of operation are 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.