Page 51 - Rosenow Frank "Seagoing knots"
P. 51

The Bowline on the Bight

          An on-the-bight bowline may be tied with a doubled end anywhere
       along the line.

          If tied near the end, the two-loop configuration can be used as a primi¬
       tive bosun’s chair, with the short bight under a man’s arms and the long
       one under his hind quarters.
          Using a doubled end, start off as with a flip-over bowline but do not take
       the end around the standing part.
          Instead, at the juncture shown in the first drawing, fold the end loop
       back, enveloping the knot. Then work the loop up snug around the stand¬
       ing part, adjusting the resulting two loops to desired size.
          If a man is to be suspended in it, the end may be attached to the stand¬

       ing part with a bowline or rolling hitch.
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