Page 4 - PDF Commencement Exercises June 12, 2020
P. 4
Saints Joachim and Anne School Graduation Prayer
Graduates of 2020
Ethan Alcindor Maxandra Julien
Spirit of God, pour out your
Elijiah Alexis Jaiden Kearsley blessings upon us.
Chris Almeus Andrew Lao Guide our hearts and minds so that we may always seek
Redeka Bastien Ralph Laurent the truth in everything we do.
Hailey Beharry Kervens Lesperance
Spirit of God, fill our souls with the desire to be
Diana Bermeo Sumay’ah Lezin
Emily Bermeo Kristal Melendez
Joe Bermeo Mora Anyalah Meme
Spirit of God, enkindle in us the fire of
Jonathan Bonhomme Kelise Mendez
justice and peace.
Saniah Borgella Franky Mundo
Kevin Brady, Jr. Davoya Myers
Help us to live full and caring lives.
Tristan Brown Jeremiah Owens
Lead us to reach out to those who are broken.
Richard Cadet Antoine Edwin Peña
May we be healers and may we be
Ashley Celestin Maurice Richards
Giscard Clersaint Alexis Rowe
Julius Dennison Paige Simpson Spirit of God, bless us with perseverance.
Dorlynka Deslouches Elijah Thermogene
Sharmine Dessalines Schmeiderlyn Ulysse May we follow our own special calling.
Kenny Etienne Carmelle Vigne Be with us wherever we go.
Marcus Fils-Aime Jada Williams Give us wisdom to know what is right.
Talia Foyle Jayden Wilson And courage to do what is right.
Jawarra Gardner Jaden Wiltshire Help us to look to the future with great hope.
Jimmy Guaman Janai Wright Amen
Maddison Jackson Carol Zhingri