Page 5 - June 11, 2020 Graduation Mass_Neat
P. 5

             Recessional Hymn                                                                       Father Nixon Jean Francois, Pastor

                                                                                                        Mrs. Linda Freebes, Principal
                                                                                                         Mr. Vito Savasta, Teacher
                          Let There Be Peace on Earth
                                                                                                        Mr. Nicholas Joyce, Teacher
             Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.
                           Let there be peace on earth,                                Mrs. Elizabeth Nimerofsky           Ms. Brigid Farrell
                                                                                       Ms. Gloria Cotellessa               Ms. Nicolyn Frederick
                         the peace that was meant to be.
                                                                                       Mrs. Laura Cullinan                 Mr. David Lauro
                  With God as our Father, brothers all are we;                         Ms. Adrian Agosto                   Mrs. Peggy Savasta

               Let me walk with my brother in perfect harmony.                         Mrs. Maria Bernard                  Ms. Mary Reisman
                                                                                       Ms. Kathleen Burpoe                 Mrs. Lou Ann Walden
                                                                                       Mrs. Yariela Reid-Thomas            Mr. Vito Savasta

             Let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now.                      Ms. Lauren Reid                     Mr. Nicholas Joyce
                                                                                       Mr. Anthony Grasso                  Mr. Anthony LaPorta
              With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow;                       Ms. Tasha Pierre                    Mrs. Judith Brewer

                             To take each moment and
                                                                                                  Mrs. Rosario Yoingco, Assistant Teacher
                       live each moment in peace eternally.                                        Mrs. Sheila Glover, Assistant Teacher
                                                                                                       Ms. Angela Brucia - Consultant
                           Let there be peace on earth
                                                                                                        Ms. Lucille Cuomo – Assistant
                             and let it begin with me.

                                                                                       Ms. Alicia Ritchie    Ms. Yamitzla Reid    Ms. Fanny Diaz

                                                                                                 Mrs.  Bolan   Mrs. Borriello     Mr. Ernesto

                                                                                       Advisory Board Chair  – Mr. Joseph Brewer
                                                                                       Parish Advisory Board - Mr. Vanes Vieux
                                                                                                                  Mrs. Ana Cristian
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