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       Keith Sciberras

                                                                   ISBN 978-99932-7956-3

                                                                   9 7 8 9 9 9 3 2 7 9 5 6 3
                                                                 Publication:   1  MAY 2024
                                                                 ISBN:           9789993279563
                                                                 Price:          £65
                                                                 Binding:        Paperback

                                                                 Format:         260 x 215 mm
                                                                 Extent:         352 pp
                                                                 Illustrated:  197 illustrations, mostly

                                                                 Thema:          AGB Art: Individual Artists

                                                                  This  publication  is  the  result  of  some  thirty  years  of
                                                                  research  engaging  with  Caravaggio’s  Maltese  phase  by
                                                                  Prof Keith Sciberras. Malta, impressively, played a role in
                                                                  giving  Caravaggio’s  art  the  platform  that  it  deserved,
                                                                  celebrating him in a manner that no other patron or place
                                                                  did, and this work aims to show this. In its method, this
                                                                  book, primarily, contextualises Caravaggio’s work and his
                                                                  life-story  within  the  framework  of  Malta  and  within  the
                                                                  mechanics of patronage and the peculiarity of its system of
        Professor  Keith  Sciberras,  Ph.D.,  (b.1970)  is  Head  of  the   government.  It  engages  with  Caravaggio’s  Maltese
        Department of History of Art within the Department of History of Art,   paintings and presents them not as objects of visual delight
        University of Malta, where he is also Co-ordinator of the Caravaggio   or  seduction  but  as  conveyors  of  meanings  and
        Studies Programme and a member of University's Senate (2013-). A   experiences  that  engage  with  the  self  and  the
        Trustee  of  the  Association  of  Art  Historians  (AAH)  London  (2012-  consciousness of reality. The Oratory of the Decollato in
        2014), he was received as an Andrew W. Mellon Senior Fellow (2005)   Valletta, for example, ceased to be a dormant architectural
        in the Department of European Paintings, Metropolitan Museum of Art,   space once Caravaggio’s Beheading of St John the Baptist
        New York, and has been awarded the National [Malta] Book Prize for   was installed. It became a space of experience, captivating
        Research and Best Publication (2006; 2009; 2010). He has published   exchange  its  audience,  penetrating  into  mental
        extensively  on  Caravaggio,  Mattia Preti,  Roman Baroque  sculpture,   frameworks, thoughts and emotions. The profundity of this
        and Baroque painting in general.                          exchange blurs the boundaries between object and viewer,
                                                                  strengthening the view that the ultimate meaning of this
                                                                  work lies not solely within the confines of the sense of sight.
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