P. 60



       Brian J Robb

                                                                   ISBN 978-1-78952-330-0

                                                                   9 7 8 1 7 8 9 5 2 3 3 0 0
                                                                 Publication:   25  JULY 2024
                                                                 ISBN:           9781789523300
                                                                 Price:          £16.99
                                                                 Binding:        Paperback

                                                                 Format:         210 x 148 mm
                                                                 Extent:         176 pp
                                                                 Illustrated:  16 colour pages
                                                                 Thema:          AVLP Popular Music

                                                                 Comparative title: 9781789522778 Depeche  Mode  On

                                                                    •  Hugely  successful  in  the  UK,  the  band's  hit
                                                                        single 'Vienna' is iconic
                                                                    •  Their early albums with John Foxx are much
                                                                        loved amongst electronica fans
                                                                    •  Written by a best-selling author who wrote our
                                                                        successful book on Depeche Mode in 2023

                                                                 Ultravox made an indelible mark on the popular music of
                                                                 the 1980s despite never reaching number one at any point:
         Sonic Bond podcast at
                                                                 famously, 'Vienna' stalled at number two, while their only
                                                                 other top five single was the zeitgeist-capturing 'Dancing
         Brian J. Robb is the New York Times and Sunday Times bestselling   With  Tears  in  My  Eyes',  reaching  number  three  in  May
         biographer of Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, and Brad Pitt. He   1984. Between 1981's 'Vienna' and 1984's 'Love's Great
         has also written books on silent cinema, the films of Philip K. Dick,   Adventure',  Ultravox  scored  12  Top  30  hit  singles  (17
         Wes Craven, Laurel and Hardy, the Star Wars movies, Superheroes,   reached the Top 40), and seven top ten album releases.
         Gangsters,  and Walt  Disney,  as well  as  science fiction television
         series Doctor Who and Star Trek. His illustrated books include an     Fronted first by John Foxx, then Midge Ure, Ultravox went
         Illustrated  History  of  Steampunk  and  Middle-earth  Envisioned,  a   from being an acclaimed but hitless art rock outfit to a Blitz-
         guide to J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings (Winner, Best Book,   era  chart-storming  quartet.  They  also  proved  to  be  a
         Tolkien  Society  Awards).  He  is  a  Founding  Editor  of  the  Sci-Fi   formidable  live  band,  mixing  in-vogue  electronic
         Bulletin website and lives near Edinburgh.              synthesisers  with  drums  and  guitar  and  Billy  Currie's
                                                                 trademark classical  violin.  The  band  became  one  of the
         Sales: Star Book Sales LLP                              most  successful  acts  of  the  era,  capped  by  their  1985
         T: 01404 515050                                         appearance at the Live Aid concert. They also made their
         E:                          mark with arty, distinctive, and influential music videos.

         Orders: Combined Book Services Ltd.
         Email:                                Having split following 1986's controversial U-Vox album,
         Phone: 01892 837171                                     the 1980s Ultravox line-up regrouped in 2009, celebrating
                                                                 the 30th anniversary of 'Vienna' with a series of UK, US,
         Prices and specifications are provisional and are subject to change
         without notice.           08/02/2024                    and  European  tours.  That  led  to  a  new,  belated  album,
                                                                 2012's Brilliant. Every album, every song - this is Ultravox.
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