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        WHAT’S AHEAD IN 2021

        SAFE CAMPUSES                                          SAFE COMMUNITIES                                                    SAFE WORKPLACES                                        SAFE VETERANS:
        Substance use or mental health challenges can completely  The addiction crisis has overwhelmed many communities.           When  employees  are  managing  substance  use  or  mental  At  the  outset  of  2020,  veterans  were  twice  as  likely  to
        derail a student’s recovery, wellness, and academic success.  Our  SAFE  Communities  team  will  coordinate  with         health  challenges,  it  affects  both  their  work  and  the  die from an accidental overdose than any other member
        A student should not have to choose between recovery and  communities—large and small—to provide them with the             workplace .  SAFE  Workplaces  helps  individual  businesses  of society. The pandemic has only made this worse.  SAFE

        their  education.  Regrettably,  fewer  than  5%  of  four-year   tailored  tools  necessary  to  prevent  addiction,  eliminate   create personalized programs to support their employees  Veterans will continue to  assist those serving on active duty,
        institutions—and fewer than 1% of community colleges and  stigma,  plus  provide  treatment  and  recovery  supports       and  families,  while  building  wellness  and  improving  veterans, caregivers, and their families.
        trade schools— offer true recovery support for students.   necessary for communities to thrive.                            workplace effectiveness.
                                                                                                                                                                                          In 2021, WE WILL:
        In 2021, WE WILL:                                      In 2021, WE WILL:                                                   In 2021, WE WILL:
                                                                                                                                                                                          •  Empower  veterans  to  build  resilience  skills  through
        •  Continue to “grow” leaders in the collegiate recovery  •  Establish  SAFE  Solutions,    an  on-line  one-stop  source   •  Provide  customized  tools  and  resources  to  individual   an expansion of our Veterans Wellness program while
            field through our third and fourth cohort of Collegiate   for  communities  to  obtain  the  tools,  resources,  and      corporations nationwide with programming to support    encouraging  the  participants  of  the  program  to  seek
            Recovery Leadership Academies.                         technical assistance necessary to combat the addiction             human  resources  requirements,  create  prevention    help  and  overcome  the  stigma  preventing  overall
        •  Develop webinars, virtual training, virtual office hours,                                                                  techniques  to  avoid  substance  use  disorder  and   success.
            and  other  resources  to  provide  college  students,   •  Expand our programming to provide more communities            eliminate stigma inside and outside the workplace.
            administrators, and universities with the tools necessary   with our innovative, evidence-based solutions such as                                                             •  Assist military spouses establish healthy coping skills for
            to build collegiate recovery programs on every campus.  the   Bridging  Prevention  and  Recovery  (BPR)  program      •  Educate  customers  and  providers  of  healthcare,    the emotional weight they carry, SAFE Project partners
                                                                   for practitioners to successfully overcome the artificial          including  establishing  a  partnership  with  a  nationally   with a Marine Corps veteran and military spouse to host
        •  Expand outreach and training to even more universities   barriers  and  silos  that  prevent  achieving  successful        recognized  physical  therapy  company  with  access  to   Your Ruck . Your Ruck is a series of workshops and virtual
            and  colleges,  equitably  connecting  with  minority-  outcomes.                                                         more than 500 communities in 12 states.                lunch-and-learns for military spouses and veterans.
            serving institutions.
                                                               •  Increase  the  distribution  of  at-home  drug  disposal
                                                                   solutions  to  rid  individual  medicine  cabinets  of  the     •  Encourage businesses to establish programs to provide  •  Increase  our  reach  of  veterans,  active  duty  service
                                                                   number  one  source  of  teenage  drug  misuse  and  to            support to individuals in recovery, including graduates   members, and their families through Virtual Veterans,
                                                                   continue to educate the public on the risks of misused             from national collegiate recovery programs.            connecting  them  to  peer  support  and  the  resources
                                                                   prescription drugs.                                                                                                       they need to combat substance use disorder.
                                                               •  Increase the awareness, education, and distribution of
                                                                   Naloxone  through  a  national  campaign  involving  the
                                                                   most dedicated and effective volunteer network in the
                                                               •  Empower individuals to find alternatives to prescription
                                                                   painkillers, access treatment, and take charge of their
                                                                   health  care  decisions  through  our  national  Be  SAFE
                                                                   signage campaign, with messaging in hospitals, medical
                                                                   offices, bus stations, airports, and shopping malls.

                                                               •  Assist  the  country  by  establishing  a  robust  and  user-
                                                                   friendly locator for recovery housing and family support

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