Page 39 - Flipbook Fun Indonesian Language-Patrick Fiskhas Maranta
P. 39
Kata Tanya
Question Word
For asking about The answer as Informal
reason or cause the reason why “kenapa”
of an event to this event
occur. occurred. Begins
with conjuction
“Karena” or
Contoh Kalimat (Example Sentences)
1. Mengapa kamu tidak berangkat kelas kemarin?
(Why didn't you attend the class yesterday?)
Kemarin, aku tidak berangkat karena aku sakit.
(Yesterday, I didn't go because I got sick.)
2. Mengapa kamu menyukai bahasa Indonesia?
(Why do you like the Indonesian language?)
Karena bahasa Indonesia mudah untuk dipelajari.
(Because Indonesian language is easy to learn.)
3. Kenapa kamu begitu bersemangat?
(Why are you so excited?)
Karena, aku bisa datang ke pameran ArtJog.
(Because I can visit the ArtJog exhibition.)