Page 41 - Fun Indonesian Language-Patrick Fiskhas Maranta
P. 41

Kata Tanya
                                                      Question Word


                         Used to ask                The answer is                     Notes:
                       about numbers              always a number              Kata tanya bisa

                                                                                ada di depan       ,
                                                                                 tengah, atau

            Contoh Kalimat (Example Sentences)
            1. Berapa      harga 1 porsi ayam goreng Pak Yunus?

                (What is the price of one portion of fried chicken from Pak Yunus?)

                Untuk harga satu porsi ayam goreng mulai Rp. 12.000.
                (The price for one portion of fried chicken starts from Rp. 12,000.)

            2. Berapa      baju batik dengan motif parang ini?

                (How much is this batik shirt with the parang motif?)
                Harga baju batik ini sebesar Rp. 150.000.

                (The price for this batik shirt is Rp. 150,000.)

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