Page 85 - Fun Indonesian Language-Patrick Fiskhas Maranta
P. 85



                                                       Gambar 3.2
                                                    Sumber: Pokpak05

                Halo, perkenalkan namaku Toni. Aku tinggal di daerah Godean. Aku
            bekerja sebagai fotografer dan hobiku memancing. Aku suka makan

            ayam goreng tetapi aku tidak suka mie ayam. Setiap sore saya senang

            melihat matahari terbenam di belakang rumah. Terkadang saya sedih
            jika malam tiba, ternyata mati listrik sehingga rumah menjadi gelap

                (Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Toni. I live in the Godean area. I work as a

            photographer, and my hobby is fishing. I enjoy eating fried chicken, but I don't like chicken
            noodles. Every afternoon, I love watching the sunset behind my house. Sometimes I feel sad

            when night falls and there's a power outage, leaving the house in complete darkness)

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